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  1. Wolfhound

    Az cops with cards posing as patients!

    bummer when you have fools passing bad info. Good Luck to you:wall:
  2. Wolfhound

    there goes the neighborhood (dispensary alert!)

    So goes the state . . . bummer
  3. Wolfhound

    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    excellent, Thank You . . .
  4. Wolfhound

    Fuck the bickering!!!!!

    Looking good guys . . . No recent pics here
  5. Wolfhound


    typical RIU from those that need their ego boosted . . . dan has never been on my friends list, just a person I have tried to deal with but has always fell thru, no problem. eriei I had thought of as a decent guy, albeit young & all knowing, but who wasn't at that age ? Kind of a shock to...
  6. Wolfhound


    I wish I knew what the hell you are talking about. Im no super weed grower, just an O.K. grower. LOL , your opinon means little to me, I'll go with what I know over heresay. I'm sorry I missed when you became the best. Who is my "little friend" ? Certainly not hydro danko dan who has never...
  7. Wolfhound


    Geeze kid ! Sorry to hear how bad my bud was ! You are the only one that felt so bad about it. No worries, many, many people have enjoyed my grows. I have never said a bad thing about you so not sure where all this pent up emotion is coming from. Me, a Racist ? Now I know you have went off the...
  8. Wolfhound


    . . . had a gal like that once
  9. Wolfhound

    Obama comments on legalization

    had a gal like that once
  10. Wolfhound

    Glendale Dispensary announces Dec. 6th open date..

    All is certainly not lost at this point . . . There is NO legal way for a legal dispensary to grow enough to serve their patients. I see it has already shown on DAY 1 DISPENSARY opening . Right is on our side, just hope it doesn't take too long for the powers to be to get it right now that it is...
  11. Wolfhound

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    original song (1933) BLACK BETTY After listening to RAM JAM version decided to name my new motorcycle "Black Betty", it's Black & fairly fast & an 11 on the fun meter,
  12. Wolfhound

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    I tend to like the original stuff better - But that was an awesome way later version !
  13. Wolfhound

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    Meet Black Betty . . .
  14. Wolfhound

    The Judge heard the case today to shut down the entire AMMA

    Too bad "ma & pa" never had a chance in Arizona...(so far)
  15. Wolfhound

    Wanting to move to AZ

    I raise my kids. Yes, I agree, any real man would do ANYTHING to see his kid raised right. I didnt have a "little fucker" but do have an awesome Son. Accolyte at Church, vacation Bible School(5yrs), raced His kidkart 2 yrs at PKRA(Phoenix Kart Racing Association), track team at school, soccer...
  16. Wolfhound

    Wanting to move to AZ

    Well I consider myself a responsible parent having put one thru Arizona University & have one in the 5th grade now. My kids don't actually run my life, I raise them. If it is because you have made bad choices in the past (divorce etc) then I can see how you would have problems unless you stand...
  17. Wolfhound

    Barack Obama is a Liar

    Obummas agenda has always been more important than America or it's people. A man you cannot trust to protect you or your country & does not care to work for the good of our country. He had His chance & proved what a dishonest man He is. I HOPE for CHANGE & a real leader for the future in a great...
  18. Wolfhound

    Wanting to move to AZ

    If I didn't like Arizona I would move but since it is so much better than most of Kali etc, I'm here ! I'm not here because other places are better for me, LOL . . . Why would anyone stay & complain, just find your place to enjoy & live there. Life is shorter than we think . . . P.S I've...
  19. Wolfhound

    A question about

    Never been there ( but will be checking it out.
  20. Wolfhound

    Can People from Outta State get Medical Marijuana?

    Arizona accepts out of state cards...