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  1. definitemby

    Just Saw Spider Mites on my Blooming Plants

    forget all that and hang a hot shot no pest strip, in there near plants for 2 days on 2 days off 2 days on. DONE
  2. definitemby

    Small white petal flowers on top bud

    I have the same thing but a bit different on 4 or 5 of my God Bud mix and it does seem to be the ones closest to the has happen before and smoked fine with the rest of it. I'm with the guy that said a last minute growth spurt.i used to think maybe light leakage during dark period but I...
  3. definitemby

    Help me get through flower, killed one plant already.... cal def? +rep 4 help

    I use Gh 3 part nutes and found that you cant switch to flowering and ripening untill at least week 4. Use only transition to flower for first month.My opinion is that the nitrogen in the flowering mix is too weak to keep up the green. Next time in flower use more flora grow. It took my a while...
  4. definitemby

    Indoor reveg and reflower experiment. Second flower.

    That should work great. Just feed veg nutes and veg lights obviously to inspire the green growth.I noticed that after 3 reveg experiments that the new growth only comes out of the buds that were matter how big the flower.The one small bud on a stick test, filled out nice looks like a...
  5. definitemby

    GanjaFarmer's T5 Indoor Breed & Grow 09-210

    Great pics. I am trying the same thing with 3 God Bud/ Ak47. Looks like it is going stupendously.
  6. definitemby

    Indoor reveg and reflower experiment. Second flower.

    HERE ARE SOME PIC'S of the re veg and flower
  7. definitemby

    Indoor reveg and reflower experiment. Second flower.

    I had 3 good GOD BUD/AK47 plants with 4 or 5 tops each they put out about 2 oz dry and it was sooooo sweet I couldn't kill them. I have 2 rooms but having a bit of trouble filling them up to capacity as I get viable cuttings. So I thought I would use the extra space under the lights and re...
  8. definitemby

    Brown tips and tiny yellow spots?

    it didn't seem to effect the harvest. we just cut back all the bad fan leaves with about 2 weeks left and it really whitened up the bud.
  9. definitemby

    Yellow spots/edges on top leaves

    Can anyone recognize this problem? It only seems to effect the God Bud strain as the others in the room aren't displaying the same symptoms.Also it seems to only affect the leaves that are in the direct light.The canopy temps are 83 high and 73 low.Humidity is 55 to 75.Soil grow. Recipe For...
  10. definitemby

    Brown tips and tiny yellow spots?

    How about this pic? It only seems to be affecting the GB strain and only on the leaf's that are in the direct light. canopy top temp is 83 high and 73 low.I flushed and flushed and than switched to 1/4 nutes. It isn't getting worse just not better.They are budding nicely. I also added a few...
  11. definitemby

    dark period during flowering

    Of course not?
  12. definitemby

    Finish product. Show off thred.

    2 plants Legends Ultimate Intica 3 3/4 oz dried and nearly cured.Put out 7 female cuttings and the strong 2 survived attended to weakly.
  13. definitemby

    dark period during flowering

    DIDDO I need to know the same thing. Someone told me that it can cause hermaphrodites but I was more concerned about working them with a regular house bulb when the grow light was off. I also have a very dim belld over from veg room to flower room for 6 hours of the flower room dark cycle.
  14. definitemby

    10 Females Flowering???

    My LUI outside got 6 1/2 foot tall I had to tie them up from falling over. Because of 2 weeks of rain the thick buds started getting bud rot and I had to pull a bit early but still got almost a QP dry. Here is a pic about 2 weeks before I pulled it. Man it is sweet tasting and COVERED with...
  15. definitemby

    yeah, its my first post, get off my nuts

    You got that did you? Try Google for guide to growing MJ or growing MJ guide. I found a printable book on how to grow and it has all the basics and even some stuff I haven't easily come across here. I thought about it for 20 plus years until I had the perfect conditions to do it stealthfully...
  16. definitemby

    BIG BUDS of LUI from 2 plants

    Thank you.Wish we could share it.I think my camera is ok not great I just suck at it. I thought I was just too stoned to see clearly.It's a decent Kodak camera I just cant seem to get focused up close.I will make an effort to use the tripod with good lighting and different settings. and see if I...
  17. definitemby

    BIG BUDS of LUI from 2 plants

    I ended up with a QP of dried resin covered s#@t and lovin it
  18. definitemby

    Hey Dan. Thanks for the advise on my yellow leaf thread. It's only my second time indoors.And...

    Hey Dan. Thanks for the advise on my yellow leaf thread. It's only my second time indoors.And only 1 go out.So I appreciate someone to talk to about it instead of holding it all in all the time.
  19. definitemby

    Help please. Yellow spots with pic's

    I havent a way to check soil PH but the water I use is from a controled source and kept at 6.4-7 is that about what the soil would be or do I NEED a soil PH test kit? Thanks alot for the advise. Want to share Pic's?
  20. definitemby

    Help please. Yellow spots with pic's

    Thanks alot. You want to befriend me? on this site that is.