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  1. HonestJim

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    I will have updated pics up within an hour and we can see what, if anything, has progressed or changed. Thanks to EVERYONE for taking an interest in my grow and lending their knowledge.
  2. HonestJim

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    I want to make it clear that I don't think you are giving me bad info, you said wait and see, which was already the plan as evidence of my previous post. If in two or three days WDB is proven to be right then so be it, I will get rid of the plant. I just don't want to do anything rash and not be...
  3. HonestJim

    White spots on leaves, First week of flower. Pics included. Bugs or a nutrient defficiency. Take a look at the thread above and see if you can find your symptoms.
  4. HonestJim

    Inexpensive and Easy HD Trich-Cam

    Pretty cool, stoner's can be very handy at times.
  5. HonestJim

    help with lights...

    MH for Veg and HPS for flower. If you can only afford one go with the HPS IMO
  6. HonestJim

    Free Lady Bugs, last offer

    word !!!!!!!
  7. HonestJim

    Please look is this healthy ;_)

    Looks ok, but your pic is a little fuzzy. Any issues you are concerned with ?
  8. HonestJim

    I don't think you can PM until you have enough posts under your belt that you are not classified...

    I don't think you can PM until you have enough posts under your belt that you are not classified as a stranger. However, you can post on my wall or post on my journal any questions you have. Glad to have an new friend and good luck with your grow.
  9. HonestJim

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    Those are some pretty girls my man, I hope mine turn out the same way. I appreciate the feedback and I will post an update when I know for sure. Thanks.
  10. HonestJim

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    Dude, I have no issues with you whatsoever. As I said before, I seriously appreciate you taking the time to help me out. When these last few guys started to post I had made my mind up already that I would give it a couple days. I don't see the harm as these flowers, whether male or female are...
  11. HonestJim

    I'm a first time grower... how do i even start?

    No worries, glad to help. I LOVE Sublime, definately the best smoke music EVER. Bradley's death was a real tragedy. Any help you need along the way just PM me, I check in often and I would be glad to help. Good luck.
  12. HonestJim

    Free Lady Bugs, last offer

    Is "Lady Bug" Code for HOT FUZZ ?!?!?!?!?
  13. HonestJim

    I'm a first time grower... how do i even start?

    This is a great link for a start to finish crash course in growing with soil. Got me started.
  14. HonestJim

    big improvment since last post

    That is a good looking plant bro, but a tad stretched. I would transplant into a larger pot and bury some of that stalk. Good luck.
  15. HonestJim

    Not sure when to harvest..2 months 2 weeks into flowering(10 weeks)

    It's time to go dark for 24 hours and harvest IMO. Unless you want to get a microscope and look at your Trichs (Most Accurate) then you need to go by the color of your hairs. Once 2/3 are amber its time to chop. That would be my advice. Good luck bro, I hope your bud is killer.
  16. HonestJim

    To all people that post under this forum.

    Some people don't learn well just by reading, like people with dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and other common learning disorders. No sense in making them feel bad about it. Sometimes conversation helps them more by keeping their attention or by explaining in terms they understand. So I don't mind...
  17. HonestJim

    Please help these ladies This should help you identify your problem.
  18. HonestJim

    Nitrogen def, or something else? Look for your symptoms here, this thread is fantastic.
  19. HonestJim

    Northern Lights - end of first week in flowering - drooping issues HALP See if you see your symptoms here, this is a great thread to help identify nute issues.
  20. HonestJim

    Female Calyx or Male Sacks ??? Please help me Identify

    Congrats bro, and I will hold out until I get solid proof either way. Thanks for the feedback.