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  1. yelodrvr

    How Do I Clone Marijuana Plants?Tutorial

    i just re read my post/book. sorry about that. i said i used nothing, that is not true. i use a root hormone. it is the bottle on the far right. every hydro store will have some. stay out of wally world. get it off the net or find a local hydro store. let me kow if any of this helps
  2. yelodrvr

    How Do I Clone Marijuana Plants?Tutorial

    I had major problem cloning during my first few attempts. I tried everything. I have done hours of research. asked the same question that have been asked here. though I let you know what solution I came up with. but first I tell you about all the failed attempts. maybe save you some headaches...
  3. yelodrvr

    In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

    yea that is gross. but i have not seen any. are you sure they where naked? we better get to the bottom of this. every time you see one on RIU you should post a link to it in this thread. i will check in every so often and tell you if they are offensive. blonds and redheads are the worst of all...
  4. yelodrvr

    Had to harvest early :(

    i did the same thing man. room had a light leak. it hermied on me. i panicked and chopped the thing thinking it would pollinate the other plants. stupid mistake. the yield was great. the quality not so great. last grow i was working out of town alot. came home to find them locked up and...
  5. yelodrvr

    first time, over all helth of my plant

    sounds good. cant wait to see them. that my goal also. atm i have 6 going day 3 flower. soon as they show sex. i am going to get a few clones for mothers. then try to get some sort of perpetual grow going. good luck man. ill be stopping in
  6. yelodrvr

    1puff2puff3puff is at in again!! Growing my Holiday stash!!

    very nice. i love your smoke reports. very descriptive. how complicated is the nute schedule you are running. i see everybody using FF. it just looks like a lot of work, and in my case screw ups. i went with a 2 part formula. just wondering if i am missing out by going the lazy route.
  7. yelodrvr

    yelodrvr's next attempt

    thanks man. i agree with you that i was starving them. been slowly bringing the ppm up daily. right now its a 600ppm. just think i better take it up slow, try not to do anymore damage. the plant in the old pic was at a friends house, in a smoke filled room, about 3 feet from a window. hence...
  8. yelodrvr

    Longest You've Gone Without A Sexual Encounter

    ok lets see i have been married for 12 years. so i think it been mmmmmm 12 years. O wait, do hookers count?
  9. yelodrvr

    Had to harvest early :(

    i am kind of confused. when you flush you dont want the any nutes to uptake. right? i dont even PH my water when i flush. the plant will take on the water regardless. ie flush.
  10. yelodrvr

    first time, over all helth of my plant

    whats the CFLs for? to light the hallway to the grow room. joking. you seem to have plenty of light. especially with one plant. i would suggest that you get a few more going. i am assuming that you are working with the CFLs right now. but when you go to the big lights, you are going to have...
  11. yelodrvr

    first time, over all helth of my plant

    looks great man. first grow? what kind of lights? the node spacing is damn good. are you going to top it? is that enough questions for now? lol
  12. yelodrvr

    yelodrvr's next attempt

    so after work I got the new pump. its a Sunleaves 1586gph. the spray pattern is not what I want. I would like to see lots more splashing and a finer mist, but this pump will have to do. the area I use is a bathroom in the basement. I built a wall to divide the room. the half with the shower...
  13. yelodrvr

    yelodrvr's next attempt

    well fuck!!! since i just started tonight with this new set up, i have been keeping a eye on it for leaks and shit like that. when i last checked the res temp was crazy. 37c what does that equate to in F? i think 70f is about 21c-22c. so 37 has to be around 100f. shit. glad i caught it right...
  14. yelodrvr

    yelodrvr's next attempt

    so before I start, let it be known I am a newbie. everything I have learned has been through this site and a few others. every homemade item I have built has been a complete rip off of others peoples grows and systems. I figure copy success to be successful. I have adjusted and changed things...
  15. yelodrvr

    Pissed on my Plant

    hey paltema dont sweat all the shit these guys are giving you. you have some great ideas man. its not very often when RUI gets people who think out of the box. people just dont get it man. as a matter of fact here is another RUI member that thinks out of the box. i dont think he used the...
  16. yelodrvr

    Red Alert To All USA Seed Buyers...DANGER!!!!

    just went through the same thing today. this bank I only use for deposits then transfer out to other account. hardly ever use it for debit transaction. I must have used it through pay pal. woke up this morning and the bank called to see if I had ordered a I-phone to be sent to UK somewhere. $370...
  17. yelodrvr

    Can i use lemon juice to lower the ph

    get on ebay an order the PH pen. you can get a cheap one to start off for about $20. FREE Shipping pH Meter Aquarium Pool Water Tester Y9 - eBay (item 360099611410 end time Oct-26-08 12:06:35 PDT) if you had the money i would get the Ph Truncheon stick Ph Truncheon...
  18. yelodrvr

    Alaskan Ice Bubbleponics 400W Grow

    nice job man. your looking good. i have only shown 2 grow on RIU and one on another site. have a few more under my belt. i have done months of research before i gremed my first seed. i am by all means a beginner. so the advice i have for you would be much like dude said before: take all the...
  19. yelodrvr

    My First Grow

    does your hood have a glass shield in it at the bottom. if not you should consider getting one. you would decrease temp dramatically.
  20. yelodrvr

    My First Grow

    here are the pics. these is from way back in January. i have not changed a thing. i was going to run a vent where the desk fan is to a AC duct, but i really did not need to once i turn on the house AC. you need a oscillating fan regardless. there many reasons why, but most obvious is the...