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  1. Ballsonrawls

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    that sucks dude. where im at the locals have called in the feds for assistance. there are 2-3 grows being busted weekly (that i know about). so most likely more. they are crackin down like crazy. and as the weather goes. not normal...
  2. Ballsonrawls

    Mission 6 - Outdoor MONSTER Grow!!!!!!!!!!

    hmm. havent tried asshole yet, ill give it a go. never thought of juicing pumpkins. will definitely have to give it a go!
  3. Ballsonrawls

    Mission 6 - Outdoor MONSTER Grow!!!!!!!!!!

    starting to juice a lot. carrots, apples, oranges, zucchini, celery with some garlic in there. fuckin delicious
  4. Ballsonrawls

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    4 days ago...
  5. Ballsonrawls

    Mission 6 - Outdoor MONSTER Grow!!!!!!!!!!

    i just found 25 lb bags of carrots at safeway. awesome for juicing. carrot cake is much delicioso
  6. Ballsonrawls

    2nd grow

    fuck yeah you can pull a chair. great to have you guys
  7. Ballsonrawls

    2nd grow

    thanks dude. their is actually a chair to the left of the bottom picture. i sit out there and think. great to have you along
  8. Ballsonrawls

    Best, most POTENT strains

    i agree with racerboy. also if you are looking for pain relief id be going for CBD strains. salves are also great.
  9. Ballsonrawls


    bahaha that made me laugh
  10. Ballsonrawls


    oh yeah? whats it about? lol
  11. Ballsonrawls


    i love reading. but what i have here gets boring at times and wears me out. i used to read all the time. ive read two books since ive been here and then stopped. bleh
  12. Ballsonrawls


    i didnt know dial up was still around til i moved down here a few months ago. facepalm
  13. Ballsonrawls


    fuck dial up. anything else here is at least 50 a month. then they cap it after a few gigs and slow your internet down. i should be reading but its difficult to get into that mode without getting bored
  14. Ballsonrawls


    the watch was good. honestly, i was a bit disappointed. all the great actors that they had, i could have been a bit better. ive been watching ali g show on youtube. got cirque du soleil which was fantastic. Apparently the had people from dell' arte international at the community center here last...
  15. Ballsonrawls


    what?! so jealous. im fucking workin with dial up or id be downloading on the daily, that and netflix. so i resort to youtube at times. i have a few that i got when i went to visit my dad a few weeks ago.
  16. Ballsonrawls


    lol......... antisemitic mofo
  17. Ballsonrawls


    never seen it. hes somewhat of a cheesy lookin dude. ill look it up when i get a chance. watched an awesome movie two nights ago called three idiots. bollywood flick. huge indian movie fan.
  18. Ballsonrawls


    lol. fuckin' mel
  19. Ballsonrawls


    oh it would be if only i had something to watch. actually i do, its called forever young with mel gibson. not really a fan of him but ill watch it in a bit. currently making some potatoes. they take me like an hour to make them how i like them though