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  1. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    420th post! Plants are down! So the first one I cut early, checked the other today and certain buds were really amber. Also getting rain tonight. :)
  2. Ballsonrawls

    ancient airplanes?

    Although they have recreated these shapedo fly unlike our planes though. Also in 1860`s they made a plane that reached 1800 feet before crashing back to earth, using the talisman shape. Many mentioning about these planes in the Indian Mahabharata.
  3. Ballsonrawls

    ancient airplanes? found this crazy interesting. They've recreated these planes and they fly like ufos. Not a conspiracy person but this is too real it seems.
  4. Ballsonrawls

    POLL: RIU Users Conservative or Liberal?

    Seems to have different political beliefs is a good way to separate us even more.
  5. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    Ok, the worms are on drying bud. I'm thinking 8 weeks. That sucks man. One of the plant has moth eggs but I haven't noticed worms or signs of them being eaten. Thank you man
  6. Ballsonrawls

    Animal cookies. Mother plant leaf pics. Beauty

    Smell good? Taste and yield good? Get you high? Name it dog shit and I'll smoke it! :)
  7. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    Ok, I've read that when there drying many leave in search for water. But I can't really do much with the hanging one's. Thank you
  8. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    Also I found a worm on a hanging bud. I know there's more. Will they die or keep eating? What can I do?
  9. Ballsonrawls

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    Ok I haven't gotten mold this year, and I'm tripping about the stupid moth eggs on the plant. Tomorrow major inspection. Thanks by the way. Your plants look amazing.
  10. Ballsonrawls

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    How do you prevent drying mold? I'm doing one plant I cut today, giving me many problems, and now I'm worried about mold and caterpillars.
  11. Ballsonrawls

    How do I get a 1-3 pounds per plant? This year probably about a 4oz per plant.

    Thank you! Had to pull the left one today actually. Close to dine but was having problems with her. I'm over the stress
  12. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    Pulled one early. I fucked up. Too much by I think. Moth eggs and I found a flower. Sigh
  13. Ballsonrawls

    How do I get a 1-3 pounds per plant? This year probably about a 4oz per plant.

    I'm thinking many are under but I'm sure a few of those might be two to three pounders.
  14. Ballsonrawls


    He died with a falafel in his hand, immaculate conception of little dizzle, southland tales, just a few I enjoyed.
  15. Ballsonrawls


    Paprika is fucking crazy! Watched it twice on mushrooms. Amazing and very eye opening. To me anyways. Glad it was mentioned earlier.
  16. Ballsonrawls

    How do I get a 1-3 pounds per plant? This year probably about a 4oz per plant.
  17. Ballsonrawls

    How do I get a 1-3 pounds per plant? This year probably about a 4oz per plant.

    I'm hoping for a pound each This was two weeks ago
  18. Ballsonrawls

    First attempt at a decent grow

    And yeah, if you could make it up that would be awesome