I was filtering my water with a Brita water filter and using an aquarium airstone to aerate the water.
Now I have 25 x 3 gallon pots so filtering is out of the question due to time constraints.
But I still aerate the water in a 2 gallon (9litre) bucket.
Is this helpful in supplying more oxygen...
Why do you need to resort to name calling. You really shouldn't use words with more than 2 syllables if you don't truely understand their meaning.
Most reasonably intelligent adults stopped puerile name calling before leaving school as is shows a distinct lack of brain activity.:wall:
Same goes...
Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient, meaning it can be redirected by the plant when needed, and in natures wisdom it takes it from the least important part of the plant.
It's far better lo leave the effected leaves until they fall of or can be removed with a light pull.
I would put the manure and blood & bone in the compost for at least a few weeks otherwise your mix will be too strong,
and mix it with some potting mix 1/3 and perlite 1/4 to 1/3.
Then they should grow like crazy.
That's just rediculas, It's not ripping people off, mollasses feeds the soil micro organisms allowing the plant to better absorb nutrients. It's about making more bud and hence more THC.
Why do so many people insist on posting unfounded comments when in reality they are clueless.:dunce:
I used mollasses in almost every watering throughout an entire grow recently with no ill effects.
Actually the bud was so good I'm doing it again.
The only problem I did notice was the potting mix was getting quite crusty from all the sugar so I cut down the amount.
Depends on your ballast. If It's digital it will handle both MH and HPS.
Otherwise you'll need a specific ballast for either MH or HPS.
MH (metal halide) puts out light more in the blue spectrum which is ideal for veging.
HPS (high pressure sodium) puts out light in the red spectrum which is...
You want them to veg as much as possible, so use the 6500's for 4 weeks and then add 1 2700 a week.
By the 8th week you'll have 4 2700's to finish off the flowering cycle.
This will give you the best of both worlds and therefore more bud.