So I've got an idea to tape up the carbon filtering on to any of the airflow that would go out into the house. Would this work well? I don't have the set up to support a carbon filter and I figure this will work
Join Date
Oct 2013
These plants are one inch tall but it was in shitty conditions and it only had 6 hours of light so maybe the change from out side to inside is the problem and is the plant fine wit one root
Ya this plant isn't doing well it's got one root and is curling too I hope this will heal it's self after this traumatic incident and can I smoke the bud or will that fuck it up
These plants are one inch tall but it was in shitty conditions and it only had 6 hours of light so maybe the change from out side to inside is the problem and is the plant fine wit one root
I was doing a transplant in the dark with only I phone light( I know dumbass) and led with one root. It's been six days since them and I've been using rose fertilizer 14-12-11 and root growth hormone I don't know the percentage of that. My soil is .85% nitrogen .15% phosphate and .10% soluble...
It has light green leafs but the bottom of the stem is yellow with one leaf that is yellow one has fallen off it is about an inch tall though it has bud on the top
I was doing a transplant in the dark with only I phone light( I know dumbass) and led with one root. It's been six days since them and I've been using rose fertilizer 14-12-11 and root growth hormone I don't know the percentage of that. My soil is .85% nitrogen .15% phosphate and .10% soluble...