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  1. wannabee

    5 Gallon Bucket Bubbleponic N.L. x Haze Grow

    hey there dwc, nice going. i'm going to be following this very closely because I have some nl #5 x haze seeds to grow but i just killed three lowryders in my new dwc system, and i don't want that to happen again. I also just bought a 5 gallon bucket dwc like yours from e-bay. I just started a...
  2. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    Thanks Mama - the reveg seems to be working well. I'll definitely get some perlite. Is this for drainage? Do you use a moisture meter or just your finger to figure out when to water?
  3. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Thanks for the update 1982. Nice, Very Nice! I'd love to try smoking some of those luscious looking lowryder buds and your hempstars too lol. On 5/11 I started two Dutch Master feminized Brainstorm seeds and they were cracked tonight so I put them in some coco coir starter pellets under the cfls...
  4. wannabee

    My second CFL Grow- White Dwarf & purple bagseed

    hey there, those are looking great. i'm going with a soil grow and bought some organic MG soil and lime to add, so was thinking of trying that for some fem brainstorm seeds. I just ordered some ff ocean forest soil so now i'm conflicted again. someone said ff ocean forest is hot. any idea...
  5. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    I got some organic MG soil and some garden lime (they had both lawn and garden). Is this the right type of lime? Thanks.
  6. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    So sorry to hear about those gang members moving in nearby. I just got my brief case stolen out of my car which was parked in front of my house. Its nasty having that hanging over your head, I know. My lowryders just didn't work out at all. I've decided to start some new plants. Gonna use...
  7. wannabee

    Bizzare Plant!! never seen one like this before

    i just wanted to say that this plant it interesting looking and wouldn't mind seeing the outcome.
  8. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    thanks for the LST lesson, makes it real clear
  9. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    Hey Mama, seems like things are going very well there. I was just combing over your thread thoroughly because I've got some great seeds I want to start. I'm going to try growing some feminized Brainstorm seeds and I've decided to get soil and try the LST technique. That is so cool, I love those...
  10. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    those look very nice 1982! wish i had a nice crop like that. i lowered the ph to 5.5 in mine, but i screwed up and made the ppm higher, they don't look any different, they are just so lame, its not even funny. oh well, tomorrow will be the start of some new ones, can't decide which ones to...
  11. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    this may sound ignorant, and it is, but organic, is that with no chemicals? does MG soil have chemicals? thanks.
  12. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    thats a nice diy light job. you know, mama, now I'm thinking why not try a plant with some soil. just hearing so many riu people rave about fox farm ocean forest or roots, or happy frog, makes me want to try those. I do see people using Miracle Grow too, with good results, but others...
  13. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    well, i keep checking back and wonder why no ones saying anything. i think the lst training is interesting. i tried it a little with my bagseed plants in my signature.
  14. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    i just got the ph meter, a little too late. i'll lower ph & ppms & see how it goes. thanks :peace:
  15. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    thanks all for all the help:hug: yes, hashlover, i do have the meters. i just checked, ph is 6.5 and ppm is 736. I don't dare give the sickly looking plants too much nutes. i've been using general hydroponics maxigro 10-5-14. one of the plants changed a little, leaves are pointing up more...
  16. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    what is Hydroguard? I have been giving them nutes. One problem is that the roots are not yet reaching down into the water to get the nutes.
  17. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    here are the sad babies, any ideas?
  18. wannabee

    Mama's Girls

    well, thanks for the wealth of information, i think you have helped me decide that i am going to persist in the hydro growing instead of soil. although the soil plants look healthier, the thought of buying and mixing all those ingredients is just too much for me. i've already purchased so much...
  19. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    five weeks from germ, roll
  20. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    well, i'm having a little trouble deciding what to do anyway, so not in a big rush for the fan. i was considering trying soil, but when i see all the components, it seems like i should just stay with hydro. i just got my new one one plant 5 gal. bucket dwc system and i haven't even used my 12...