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  1. wannabee

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    I'm very glad to see information on how well you can grow with cfls instead of how you have to have hps and mh lights to get the best results. Since I'm really not that handy with ventilation etc. cfls are the way to go sometimes, and very effective. Thanks for this helpful information. :peace:
  2. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Hi, sorry I haven't posted the pics. I had a bad problem with my lowryder plants :oand there are only three or four that are going to survive :cry:. Ran out of water and they dried up pretty bad :dunce:. The one in soil is fine, but thats the smallest. I can't believe I let that happen...
  3. wannabee

    Small grow room lighting.

    :-( Boy did I screw up, I'm really tempted to change to soil. All the water dried up in my aerogarden and my lowryder 2 plants were almost dead, drooping and burnt when I got home. The one in soil is fine and some are perking up a little. I don't know if they will survive. I guess only time...
  4. wannabee

    All CFL Grow Pre-harvest PICS

    Those are some delicious looking buds. I'm really glad to see this result from strictly cfls. Great post, I'll be checking back for updates.
  5. wannabee

    Cfl flowering journal (pics!)

    Those are nice plants, very nice. I think this is a great post and I'm very interested in seeing the buds. You're photos are great. I've got some plants growing under cfls, my second grow. The first was pretty good for my purposes, but I want to improve this time. Trying to glean as much...
  6. wannabee

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    Thats a great looking plant you're growing, very nice. Where did you buy the seeds? Got mine from Attitude with no problems. I've got some lowryder 2 going now also. They are about 19 days old and growing quick. I've got six in an aerogarden and one in some dirt. They germinated perferctly...
  7. wannabee

    Small grow room lighting.

    Yes, I kind of figured that out. My Lowryder 2 seedlings are about 19 days old. I haven't tried the hps with them. I tried the hps with some bag seed seedlings which were about three weeks old, they are now about five weeks old and getting big. I am trying to do lst like I've been reading on...
  8. wannabee

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    I think if I take the reflector off the hps, I might be able to suspend the light in a way that won't be too close to the plants. I don't know if I can do it. This is the hps I have. Any guidance on removing the reflector?
  9. wannabee

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    I already bought a couple of fans, one for each cabinet space. I have about seven lowryder autoflowering in aerogarden and one in dirt in the smaller cabinet and about six bag seed plants in the larger cabinet. Before I had the fan in with the bag seed plants, I put the 150 watt hps in there...
  10. wannabee

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Hi, thanks for the assistance, you do seem to know what you're talking about. Sorry if I'm asking a question that you already answered but I can't go through every reply right now. I'm just wondering, I have two very small grow room cabinets with Aerogarden Classics, suplemented with cfls. I'm...
  11. wannabee

    24 hr. lighting versus 18 hr. lighting

    That question was directed to Jordisgarden. :?:
  12. wannabee

    24 hr. lighting versus 18 hr. lighting

    Could you please tell me where you found 100 watt hps lights. I need some good flowering lights soon. Thanks.
  13. wannabee

    Small grow room lighting.

    Thanks for all the suggestions and responses. I do have a small fan in the space. I can't really vent the air to the outside. I was wondering about the different spectrum CFLs, and how you can tell this. I have the Aerogarden light velcroed to the side wall and three 23 watt Sylvania...
  14. wannabee

    Small grow room lighting.

    Please any help would be appreciated. I have some Lowryder 2 autoflowering in a small closet thats about 2.5' x 2.5 x 2.5' in an Aerogrow, and I'd like to add an HPS light but the one I bought has a reflector and is too big for the space. Are there smaller HPS lights? Is there another...
  15. wannabee

    Super Cropping

    Hello master grower - I being a newbie have been checking out your thread just to research different methods. Right now my second grow is a very small operation, but I'm always looking to improve. I couldn't resist subscribing. I don't know how to do the reps and I probably don't have the...
  16. wannabee

    just got new 400-watt hps. distance?

    Ya, you're probably right, thanks. I'm trying to figure out a new location, I only have about 2 feet tall by 2 1/2 feet wide in the little space I have them in now. I'm scoping out and trying to find a little cabinet of some sort. This growing is so much fun, and addictive, I love it. Been...
  17. wannabee

    just got new 400-watt hps. distance?

    I just bought a 150 watt hps light and put it in my little grow area and the plants turned yellow. I took it out because I couldn't get it high enough and put in four cfls which are correcting the problem. It didn't feel too hot with my hand underneath. Could the plants been too young to...
  18. wannabee

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    Thanks for the information. I'm going to seriously consider that.
  19. wannabee

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    Thanks, very helpful. :?: Do you know what R/O water is and where to get it?