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  1. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi OK iam hoping this extra info might help a bit with regards to the timing of the stages of my last crops I have not took into account the age of the clones when I receive them which is about 3 weeks cheers
  2. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi OK iam hoping this extra info might help a bit with regards to the timing of the stages of my last crops Hi the clones I get are already about 3 weeks old if you take this into account then I suppose from start to finish is more likely to be around 15 to 17 cheers
  3. G

    Begginers luck

    It's fine many thanks for your reply, you have hit the nail on the head iam no more than an assistant and as I mentioned I do not really know much at all about growing etc, obviously I cannot divulge into the agreement we have but I will certainly take on board you advice with regards to the...
  4. G

    Begginers luck

    You know what I thought the more answers I could get the better so where else to ask, he is very experienced but set in his ways, look at the amount of experienced growers on here yet I have been given at least 5 or 6 different reasons what could be going wrong, for me the more answers I get...
  5. G

    Begginers luck

    It's simple crop got weighed in ounces not pounds so I will reiterate, I had no clue what this was in pounds l had no reason to find out what it was in pounds and to be honest I am still not interested in which way you want to look at it if you wanted to go to the far end of a fart we could say...
  6. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi its not hard at all and I have converted what I got in ounces to pounds at the time I was replying I did not have any idea what 158 ounces was in pounds of the top of my head, I was never very good at arithmetics at school so I apologise for that, it still does not change the point of my post
  7. G

    Begginers luck

    Well the whole point of my post was to try and pinpoint what is going wrong because nothing has changed other than the strains, but even with different strains I would hope to get back to bigger yields unfortunately this has not been the case
  8. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi 18 litre pots. I am sorry but I have never stated that the plants were veged less than a month, I only stated how long the plants had been in start to finish which was around 12 to 14 weeks. I have no idea whatsoever what was going on within those weeks
  9. G

    Begginers luck

    Everyone was and is skeptical but I can assure you I have no reason to inflate the size of the yield, in fact I'm starting to think if it was a good idea to even start of this post. Several people were right in saying that basically the crop was a one off or begginers luck or whatever you want...
  10. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi I have no idea whatsoever how many pounds we got per plant or plants but can assure you 100% we got 158 ounces because I was present when everything got weighed and it was the most successful crop he has seen, I at the time did not have a clue what was a good yield from a bad yield but I do...
  11. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi I am confused now and still don't understand what iam getting / was getting as far as grammes per Watts etc. I've never understood all that type of stuff. I just know what I mentioned before with regards to how many ounces the first crop produced compared to the rest. Guy who started me off...
  12. G

    Begginers luck

    Pretty much seems so as a few people have suggested
  13. G

    Begginers luck

    Seems this is probably the most likely cause of the drop in yields rather than us doing something wrong or different
  14. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi not sure about pounds, first crop yield was 158 ounces from 20 plants 10 in each tent. Both tents have 3 bulbs in each tent all 600 watts. I am assuming in fact I'm quite sure both tents yielded pretty much the same, what would you suggest does not add up cheers
  15. G

    Begginers luck

    I guessed this but it is a massive drop from 1st crop ( thc) and considering we have had another crop of thc with much less yield
  16. G

    Begginers luck

    I am going to be very honest with you veg and flowering stages are decided by another person who has been growing for many many years and is very experienced, I look after the plants daily but he decides the times for the different stages / change of feed etc, I am almost 100% certain that he is...
  17. G

    Begginers luck

    Clones 1st crop thc / gelato/ white widow Girl scout cookies / stardog / thc / lemon skittles
  18. G

    Begginers luck

    Bulbs all replaced Cheers
  19. G

    Begginers luck

    OK used same type of soil which is renewed after every crop pots tents etc all thoroughly cleaned, temperature has always been ok, first crop was over the winter this time 2 years ago and temp was spot on, found during the summer temp was getting a bit high and harder to control so a bit less...
  20. G

    Begginers luck

    Hi sorry for my ignorance but was does dialed in mean. No nothing whatsoever has changed that's the frustrating thing and quite puzzling