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  1. U

    Ready to harvest?

    Cool, glad to hear it's all normal. Should be ready to harvest at the end of this week. As for the flavor, I'm not even sure what kind of plant it is. I got the seeds from a friend of a friend who got them when he was in Amsterdamn. I've already picked off a small bud to test and let me tell you...
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    Ready to harvest?

    any input on my last post anyone?
  3. U

    Ready to harvest?

    Just a quick update...One of my plants' leaves are starting to turn yellow/brown-ish. Does this mean that one plant is almost ready to harvest at this point? 3 out of the 4 are still nice and's just the one that's starting to change color.
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    Ready to harvest?

    I've been flushing them for a week already, so I've heard 2 is the norm...guess I'm right on track. No microscope...are these really necessary?
  5. U

    Ready to harvest?

    one more week? really? the waiting is starting to kill me, haha.
  6. U

    Ready to harvest?

    Hey guys, I'm a noob so I need a little guidance here. Just wondering if these puppies are ready to harvest yet?
  7. U

    How does this look?

    Thanks dudes. I'm using two shop lights and 4 32watt bulbs in total (2 of those bulbs being aquarium plant grow lights). Not a big set up by any means but good enough for my personal use. I've implemented the LEDs into the shop lights and they consist of 4 long super bright red LED strips that...
  8. U

    How does this look?

    Thanks for the feedback. It's just over 4 weeks flowering now. How much longer from the pics do you guys think it will be until harvest?
  9. U

    How does this look?

    Hey everyone, 3 1/2 weeks in to flowering with nothing but Floros and some supplemental LEDs. How does my baby look? Personally I'm happy with what I'm seeing and it's already surpassed what I had expected for a Floro grow...from what I've read. I've got 4 others that look identical to this one.
  10. U

    This may be crazy, but....

    Son of a bitch, should have done a little more reading before posting this, lol. Now I sound like a complete dumbass. Of coarse lumens don't add up together...what the hell was I thinking. I was just getting a little too excited... I have been trying to find a 250 or 400 watt setup online but I...
  11. U

    This may be crazy, but....

    Have any of you tried growing with automobile HID lights?? I've been recently trying to think of a cheaper, relatively inexpensive way for my next grow. Right now I'm using nothing but floros and LEDs but the next grow I'm gonna want to produce a slightly larger yield. So here is what I was...
  12. U

    Blisters forming??

    cool man, thanks for that.
  13. U

    Blisters forming??

    not sure if they're actually blisters, but that's what they look like to me... I took a quick picture so everyone can have a better look...
  14. U

    Blisters forming??

    Hey guys, I'm about 1 1/2 weeks in to flowering with my first grow and I'm pretty sure I've got rid of all the male plants. BUT, I checked on them today and I noticed on one of the plants there are "blisters" forming where the leaf steam joins the main stem. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
  15. U

    Male or Female? newbie here!

    cool, thanks for the feedback so far everyone! I figured the first two were females... Nope, they're not the same plant...I have about 8 in total, but I only took pictures of the ones I wasn't sure of. It's hard to tell from that 3rd picture (my camera can't focus in quite close enough) but...
  16. U

    Male or Female? newbie here!

    Hey everyone, Brand new to the forums and a first time grower here... I took some pics of my babies because I'm not 100% sure which are male and female at this point. They are about 1 week into flowering at this stage... I have a good feeling the first two pics are's the 3rd pic...