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  1. wallycork

    what kind of yeast for CO2 bucket

    Yeah, why do you say that?
  2. wallycork

    what kind of yeast for CO2 bucket

    Is there any particular type of yeast to use if making your own co2 dispenser. Im getting an airlock and grommet but still not sure about the yeast. heres where ill be orering from , any suggestions are welcome, peas
  3. wallycork

    Free Grow Software!

    Nice work man, but whats the password?
  4. wallycork

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thanks aloy for the offer Vento. It turns out it 3ch and myself share somw of the blame....Well i never put the +44 infront of their number. Still i dont know how i was getting onto City bank without the international code. Anyway got onto 3ch and they just said they hadnt checked there bank...
  5. wallycork

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi guys I got a serious problem here. I put an order into 3ch on 25th August, i paid by bank tranfer from Ireland and paid 644 pounds. Since then the money has been taken from my account but my order still says processing when i log onto 3ch. Ive e-mailed them to no avail and today I rang all...
  6. wallycork

    Critical mass X AK-47

    Ya thats what i think too. Should be a nice yielder
  7. wallycork

    Critical mass X AK-47

    No one has grown CriticalAK or even heard of it???
  8. wallycork

    What are you ordering for Attitude June Offer?

    Got my seeds today, ordered on the 7th.... From the Attitudes offers i now have 1 serious seeds - Chronic 1 DNA - Sharksbreath 1 Paradise seeds- Wappa 1 DNA - Sourcream 1 Paradis seeds - Sensi star 1 magnus - Warlock 1 Magnus - Motivation 1 DNA...
  9. wallycork

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Whats up guys, just wondering, do any of the Irish growers grow hydro. I havent read every post in this thread but ive read from problay about page 40 onwards and I dont think ive noticed any DWC, aeroponics or the like being used. We're not all afraid of a little water are we???
  10. wallycork

    Deer eatting clones outside! Help

    Dont use human urine, it will attract animals. Why would hair work, i cant work it out? Are animals afraid of hair or something, maybe a merkin might work so, there alot nastier than plain hair
  11. wallycork

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    He should only do hard time if he sprayed the weed, new law
  12. wallycork

    net pot size...

    Agreed. I think if your growing for example a SOG, then 3inch would do the job because of the size and weight of the plants but say if your growing in 15gallon pots than a 6inch might be the better option as the plant will be bigger and heavier so the wider pot will make sure it dosent move...
  13. wallycork

    Curiously short and bushy

    Your ph should be between 6 and 7 for a soil grow. I find 6.3-6.5 does the job for me when feeding
  14. wallycork

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    If he wasnt spraying the stuff and sellin it in Ireland i say rock on. I dont think its very greedy, its a way to make a hell of alot of money within a few months, then launder the money and move the Canada, the dream lives on
  15. wallycork

    who wants blue cheese?

    Becareful with nutes growing this. I was growing it in soil and compared to la woman, euforia and white widow it took the least amount of nutes. Nute lockup was also a problem. Not original cheese or blueberry so not that special, its like there SWEET TOOTH, Its totally different from flying...
  16. wallycork

    Best DWC/Bubbler for 1200w of light?

    So a 5galoon container for each, or is that a bit much if i flower from clone with a 8 week to finish strain?
  17. wallycork

    Best DWC/Bubbler for 1200w of light?

    I want to harvest quick, whick means a shorter vedge time. I think a scrog would take too long. I like the idea of it but not the time it takes
  18. wallycork

    Best DWC/Bubbler for 1200w of light?

    Im going to have 2 600w hps cooled lights (4inch fan on each) w/ digital ballast Im considering using 4 15gallon totes with 6 plants in each, in a SOG method. Or else using 6 X 10gallon buckets. I know there is so many other factors to consider, but from systems alone which do you think...
  19. wallycork

    What are you ordering for Attitude June Offer?

    Got my Flying dutch man "pot of Gold" for my commercial grow and all the lovelies for myself. Yum