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  1. taknitEZ95

    200-300$$$ budget. What should I buy for a small grow op?

    Ya, thats basically what I was thinking. Just a nice grow box with a high powered HPS. thanks. any other ideas? good places to get a hps setup?
  2. taknitEZ95

    Karma, Karma, Karma, Konfusion

    I think we live in the real world. People steal and get richer. People kill and get away with it. People lie and make there lives easier. But to say that bad things happen because people did bad things seems (to me) kind of ridiculous. I know wonderful people (nearly saints) who have lead very...
  3. taknitEZ95

    200-300$$$ budget. What should I buy for a small grow op?

    Hey people, I am a pretty new grower and have a crappy little setup in my basement. It was my birthday the other day and I hauled in about 300 bucks. My question for YOU is, what do I need to get for a nice little 2,3,4 plant grow operation? I don't by any means need it to be "fancy". But I...
  4. taknitEZ95

    Obtaining a card in Colorado-help.

    Hey guys, I used to live out in Cali (hell yes) and getting a card out there was never a problem. I just moved to colorado however and am wondering how the process compares to California. In cali you could basically say you had a headache and receive a card...but I am under the impression it's...
  5. taknitEZ95

    whats going on?? (pics)

    Pretty new grower here. I am using CFL's one 125 watt, and three 23 watters. I am growing in MG seed starting soil (which what I think may be causing the problems). But anyway...the pics are of the same plant that is the farthest along. It is growing but a little on the slow side and it looks...
  6. taknitEZ95

    new grower-any input?

    Hey, I'm a pretty new grower and am just looking for any input or suggestions on how to improve the quality of my plant. I am growing in MG seed starting soil in a solo cup. I think it's looking pretty good aside from what I think may be water burn marks on the bigger leaves? maybe nute burn...
  7. taknitEZ95

    Sudamerican Indoor 2.0

    ya, I was gonna say that those look sick under the blue. With all the different strains you got, your gonna have one hell of a good smoke fest. good luck with it.
  8. taknitEZ95

    little to no growth.. why!?!?!?!?!?!? PICS

    I had the same problem with my plants. I wasted so many good seeds before realizing my CFL's were warm white. They DON'T work well for veg. you should get day light cfl's.
  9. taknitEZ95

    My setup

    ya, looks like it's gonna be some sick bud! Great set up. (and fuck gnats).
  10. taknitEZ95

    Really not sure what i have

    actually, spectrum is kinda important. one is better for flowering and the other for vegging. but w/e. good luck.
  11. taknitEZ95

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Hey, just wanted to say that you got a pretty sick grow there. Good luck with everything and I hope your rewarded with a Fukin awsome smoke.
  12. taknitEZ95

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    ahhh. Ok good to know. that could deffinatly be a factor. thanks.
  13. taknitEZ95

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    wow. Ok. but im NOT using that soil? I have some very loose non compacted soil with perlite and peat moss in it. so....???? Could it be humidity??? It's very dry here.
  14. taknitEZ95

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    lol. sorry. Those are the only pics I have (they are old in bad soil). I always mix my soil with perlite and peat moss. The soil has no nutes in it. I used those pics because that's the size they get to before dying a few weeks after. I just don't Fukin get it! untill I moved I never had any...
  15. taknitEZ95

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    OK, I can try more light. But I have about 300 watts on ONE plant that is still stunted. Heat is not an issue either. temp is about 70 when the lights are on. Any other ideas?
  16. taknitEZ95

    everytime- stunted growth. plz help!

    Ok so everytime I start a grow, my seedlings reach a certain stage and than just stop growing. They look healthy and stay healthy for the first few weeks but after not growing for a couple weeks they die. I used to grow in cali and never had any problems with this. I use cfl's for veging and...
  17. taknitEZ95

    bong and alcohol question???

    would filling a bong with say...jack daniel's whiskey affect you any differently than water? could any of the alcohol get into your blood stream? would it even work? any help would be awsome. thnx.
  18. taknitEZ95

    My pot movie

    LOL. that vid was funny. lol.
  19. taknitEZ95

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Me and some friends got really REALLY baked before eating lunch one time. While we were eating, this really dumb friend of mine who had been stairing into space for like 5 straight minutes all of a sudden busted out with "dude...what if we took a bunch of jews and dressed them up as Nazis and...
  20. taknitEZ95

    New Grow cfl-veg to hps-flower 7 strawberry cough and 1 kush plant, pics

    I love that setup, looks like it will be a good grow. good luck.