Search results

  1. Shackleford.R

    first tme grow with 250WCFL

    personal preference with the CO2. i wouldn't do it, because i would think i'm washing of trichs, but i've heard of some bloom foods that foliar fed. so it might be non-issue spraying. my other concern would be fungus/rot with getting the buds wet. if you're going to spray, do it early so the...
  2. Shackleford.R

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    lol I'm stepping off the Jordi issue. He's an annoying prick, no reason to waste my fingers time and risk carpal tunnel for that douche. I guess I could snap some photos, the girls just look like baby seedlings, they're starting to look like cannabis finally!! YAY! lmao i'll post pics in a few...
  3. Shackleford.R

    Tom's 400 watt Growing Odyssey

    you'll never get the last word if you leave. also, you're so polite, please stay, and discuss details of your grow. what training techniques you used, nutrient recipes, and what alien voodoo magic you used. :peace: Shack
  4. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    there is no debating with a nut. UNSUBSCRIBED :peace: Shack
  5. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    haha yeah that's what Tom said too. without a doubt in mind. there will be NO issue with peat plugs in your system. just look at the stealth hydro systems. all theirs are picture with some sort of peat plug or rapid rooter sitting in hydroton. stealth hydro is drip/DWC which is what you have...
  6. Shackleford.R

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    your plant makes me happy! :) :peace: Shack
  7. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    you are loopier than a box of fruit loops my friend. name one tax enacted due to climate change. name ONE! not even asking you for a list, if you can give me ONE new tax created (under CURRENT administration) in the name of climate change. i will leave RIU forever. to further clarify, not...
  8. Shackleford.R

    F@!& Nicotine

    i'm well aware they are bad for me. but what price do i have to pay to quit. lol that did give me a good laugh though, i started reading as though i had been missing out on some brilliant smoking knowledge. :peace: Shack
  9. Shackleford.R

    F@!& Nicotine

    I haven't had a cigarette in about 48 hours... not by choice, just by laziness and not grabbing another pack. I'm pissed how addicted I am to this shit. I snapped at my girl for no reason, and my dog is annoying the hell out of me. What do? :peace: Shack
  10. Shackleford.R

    big buddha cheese pics

    :( i wish i would have found this grow loooooooong ago. this is your first grow? from what i've seen just reading the first 5 and last 5 pages (gives me an idea where you started and where you're at now) you have done an amazing job here! I can only hope to get similar results out of my...
  11. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    PM ME MOG! I HATE WORDS LONGER THAN SIX LETTERS (CRAP THAT WAS SEVEN!) :peace: Shack long story short, i would LOVE to grow some of your beans.
  12. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    i'm from texas and i've heard far too many people saying "its snowing here, so much for global warming" DEAR GOD!! its not about the warming itself GLOBALLY! it's about the damn climate change! :peace: Shack
  13. Shackleford.R

    Blueberry LST Closet Grow

    sweet avatar by the way! lol :peace: Shack
  14. Shackleford.R

    Blueberry LST Closet Grow

    if you could get your day temps closer to 70F i believe that would help. to be honest, i'm not sure. i always hear "get the temps down" but never really heard how low you have to go. keep asking, i'm sure someone will answer better than i can. guess i should have kept my mouth shut lol :peace...
  15. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    i GUESS that's a fair argument. never heard it in those terms. :peace: Shack
  16. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    apparently the dude that owned also owned a seedbank and other marijuana internet resources. he got busted for trafficking marijuana seeds. i found that just by googling "" that high times article was the first link, top of the list, also found a repost of's...
  17. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    do you read or watch news or anything like that? we recently borrowed a SHIT TON of cash from China In May 2009, the US owed China $772 billion "Retired Military Personnel". Patrick Air Force Base, Florida: The Intercom (publication of the Military Officers Association of Cape Canaveral). June...
  18. Shackleford.R

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    transplanting those is a snap! you're right and you're wrong about the walls. after they've germed and are of decent size (since you have the little pots, you could basically let them become rootbound in their and get the most growth possible out of the jiffy pellets) i digress. after they've...
  19. Shackleford.R

    HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

    you seem to hate China alot... you know without their money America would be in the shit right now. they gave the US billions of dollars that couldn't be repaid over a short period, as a power play? i highly doubt that. you know you seem batshit crazy, right? :peace: Shack
  20. Shackleford.R

    Texas Growers Unite!

    New Info Regarding Police Seizures of courtesy High Times :peace: Shack