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  1. T

    Atheist or Religious

    That was the position of many of the founding fathers, all of whom most evangelicals today hold were diehard Christians. That is as far as we could see in the 18th century. We didn't yet know enough. Now we also happen to have natural explanations for all of those things you think point to a...
  2. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    I do not accept the grammar of your question. Owning a slave would not be a positive moral act. For instance, it is moral to donate money for those who need it. That is a positive action taken which leads to a human who needs help getting help. Owning a slave is not a morally positive action...
  3. T

    Democratic party taking flak from MSNBC

    Has nothing to do with what she thinks or what her votes have been. Im not concerned with the what, Im concerned with the why. Hillary's why makes her an evil cunt. Id vote for ole FauxChauntas, Elizabeth Warren, and she has a vagina.
  4. T

    Democratic party taking flak from MSNBC

    Let it happen dude, let it happen. Your leader has transplanted the reputation of some persona non grata from this sites past onto me to discredit me. I'm really not that bad.
  5. T

    Atheist or Religious

    That is why it is dumb. Strictly speaking, we're all agnostic. There is no need to say it. I'm fully aware that many on the religious side and some on the atheist side speak of knowing that their beliefs are in fact real. Most Christians I know wouldn't admit to not knowing there is a God...
  6. T

    Democratic party taking flak from MSNBC

    I would vote for Sanders against any candidate. I would never vote for H. Clinton. I would vote Trump if Sanders isn't an option. But I wouldn't be excited about it and can see myself not voting for president for the first time ever.
  7. T

    And the noose continues to tighten..

    You debunk this by saying over the last 50 years it has declined. You then show a graph that shows that, although the last 50 years does trend down, the last 150 years shows a significant increase in solar output. That seems to bolster the claim instead of debunk it, as you said it does.
  8. T

    Honesty in Politics and Media

    I will agree to an extent. Like with Isis they say... 'should we invade and bomb them or should we just bomb them' as if those are the only two options. But the media isn't alligned with the government. They're alligned with ideologies reflected by certain parts of that government. There is...
  9. T

    And the noose continues to tighten..

    It isn't a conspiracy theory. Not what the man posted. He posted a credentialed scientist who published his findings. You say you don't support conspiracy theories, ironic since you immediately discounted it because of what you implied was a conspiracy. So yeah, you kind of do, do...
  10. T

    And the noose continues to tighten..

    Pada, you don't disprove something by saying 'scientists havnt abandoned their other theory.' Think about it. There was a claim made. The sun is contributing because Mars is warming too. Well that doesn't generate any research grants does it? We cant alter the sun. We can get grants for...
  11. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    Dude. Your little games are boring. You're showing your amero-centric mindset. The inability to put yourself in dramatically different circumstances and judge life accordingly. I would rather be free than a slave. Who wouldn't? Perhaps maybe peasants. And I mean absolute poverty. No handouts...
  12. T

    And the noose continues to tighten..

    Spot on. Pada is very good at showing us what other people think. From seeing what gets most of his attention we can determin what his opinions might be. But he is very weak at putting things into his own words.
  13. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    In modern America, no way. In a place where the poor have it worse than slaves, it would be a blessing to have an owner than be free to die. One has to make a distinction between owning slaves and maltreatment of one's slaves
  14. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    In societies where the brain is useless for women, the body is all that matters.
  15. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    Like you have never turned your head to a hot 16 year old walking past and had a thought. All men do. You might then think and suppress. But the initial thought is wow that bitch is hot.
  16. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    Yes at the time. The slave owner could legitimately say he was doing noting wrong. He followed the laws after all. But i didn't say it was automatically moral, I said it can be morally justified, which is just a way to say that someone can At least make a case to morality. They have an...
  17. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    Not that I am perfect. But there is one member who singlehandedly derails nearly every single thread. This place would be pretty cool without uncles.
  18. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    I agree with that. But what age is old enough to decide? You realize many US states have an age of consent at 16? That is in your teenage range. If it can be justified legally it can be justified morally. If it is morally justifiable to bed a girl on her 16th birthday, how was it immoral...
  19. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    @Ace Yonder, I can see the point of the religious type abstenince only crowd who say their teen child shouldn't have sex at all because (s)he is incapable of dealing with the emotions and the like that result. I might even agree with this. I don't see any validity to your point that the same...
  20. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    You need to elaborate on how sex with an adult is significantly different than sex with someone their own age. I could agree that it might be easier for someone my age to manipulate a young girl, however, if the older person has motives that are not malicious or even not self serving, but...