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  1. fordguy420

    Bottom Leafs Turn Yellow Slowly, WHY?!

    and just remember "don't believe anything your hear and only half of what you see" lol
  2. fordguy420

    Bottom Leafs Turn Yellow Slowly, WHY?!

    I agree with max, i have also used it and it seems real weak. Plus the only thing your getting is calmag, with botanicares the is a NPK ratio.. Now I'm stating this for soil, it might work much better when used with hydro. But i'm a soil type of guy
  3. fordguy420

    Newbie vent question

    No you can cycle them, you really only need it to get rid of heat buildup and sometimes humidity
  4. fordguy420

    have i messed up?

    Naw you should be fine but just keep them seperate from now on lol
  5. fordguy420


    actually the more I look at the pics, it looks like the needed to be watered and you didn't water them in time. Plant got shocked and never recovered. Give it a good flush and see what happens but the outlook looks bleak.. sorry for your loss
  6. fordguy420


    is that in soil? Looks like a BAD case of nutrient burn
  7. fordguy420

    Whitish leaves? Plz help

    make sure if your using a hps light that you don't take the pics with the light on
  8. fordguy420

    Whitish leaves? Plz help

    can you post some pics?