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  1. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    Just made a tea. I perform this miracle in 5 gallon bucket. Home depot. Use a fish tank air bar and an air pump 3 gallons 4 stage DI water 3 tbsp grow it green 3 tbsp super plant tonic 2 tabsp blackstrap unsulphered molasses 2 handfuls of compost 1 tbsp of fish emulsion omri 1 tbsp liquid...
  2. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    hey I am sorry about the Bokashi comment, I meant in a tea. Weird. But in compost that is some awesome shit. I read a guy that takes some himself. dont underestimate the compost tea videos on you tube. Watch one, then watch the vidoes that pop up as similiar in nature. Millions of cool...
  3. dirt clean

    worm tea

    I am curious about the NPK of molesasses. My LR2 has had some trouble hitting flower and if the NPK in moleasses is right that is the problem. I guess the Key is the 24 hours so the bacteria can eat it all? can I make tea without the moleasses? Will they break down the nutes that fast I wonder.
  4. dirt clean

    worm tea

    i just bought the 5 worm tray system with the spigot on the bottom. My DIY worm farm was not moving fast enough and food also piles high. I got rid of the fungus nats that came with the food scraps and learned how to do it properly. I got 2000 more worms coming. A 100 dollar investment but...
  5. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    you guys watch house? WOW, they killed one of them. That suicide prevention shit. Powerful, when I was in the hospital once in Seattle I polled the nurses one day on what medical show they liked best. I expected ERm which is what I watched 2 hours a day of on the depths of my binge. One nurse...
  6. dirt clean

    LR2 is showing sex, a week, no bud growth?

    My LR2 just went to 19/5. This started at 24/0, then 20/4. I had them veg and fed veg teas and BMO nutes for 2 feeds. I also topdressed mex bat guano. Also when I fed their teas I used moleasses. I just realised that I am feeding a lot of N! I have fed them one flower feed of P. Higher P...
  7. dirt clean

    Anyone use Age Old Organics?

    use a quarter at the third node development, half, then full at the latter stages of veg. The plants i bet could take full str. Use full str all the way through flower then back off and flush. Top dress a couple of indo bat guano for flower a few weeks in., It looks like good stuff. FDD uses...
  8. dirt clean

    HELP first newts ? on 3 weeks and up

    Also 5-10-10 is perfect for flower i think.
  9. dirt clean

    HELP first newts ? on 3 weeks and up

    I have heard of this being done for the whole grow. Just using those 2. I like it. A little moleasses also, but rem it has npk too. Bubble that with some worm castings and compost too. ;)
  10. dirt clean

    quik question about dolmite lime....

    yeah, add the dolomite lime to the soil in appropriate amounts, how you going ot formulate the whole mix? I hear blood mean can burn easy. Dolomite lime does work, I was feeding fish and still 6.5. Works good. I put in 2 handfuls for 15 gallons of soil and no prob. But that was prilled...
  11. dirt clean

    I got busted!

    Fuck, I had a poppy that was debatable. When I remembered I even had one I shit. Lol, they let it go. I am medical and pretty sick. Good luck. I could not stand to deal looking at the kids I would have to trust.
  12. dirt clean

    i think i was poisoned!

    remember the chlorine and cloramine are porb gonna be called soemthing else. Tri somethings or hypo or they may lis tproducts formed when it reched them. Chloroform is a serious risk in my water. lol. interesting. muhahahahaha
  13. dirt clean

    Casting tea for youngins? Your thoughts please.

    water quality? I got the answer for you. You are gonna be shocked about this shit. I use RO but I think importan from the moon is the best answer for water these days.
  14. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    I got another problem. Bugs. Lol, seems they won’t stop coming, these small little annoyances. Both the bugs and problems. Well the bugs are a curious and potentially deadly little off topic problem that must be eradicated, negated post haste. TO BE OR NOT TO BEE> lol. I have an outside...
  15. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    I just figured out my problem. Molasses. I have been feeding heaping tablespoons a 5 gallon bucket. That is 2 tbsp a 3 gallon feed. That must be too much N in addition to their N already for transition. I hope so. This is a little annoying. I was obsessed with getting those bacteria up. The...
  16. dirt clean

    Bat Guano experts

    ow damn. That could be my prob. That is why my damn lr2 are not flowering. 2 much N from moleasses! Shit that is like 7 for me! OW, i was obsessed with those bacteria! lol. live and learn.
  17. dirt clean

    Man, I am idiot about the bugs it seems.:(

    well so far they are only on the dirt outside and the reg plants inside. They cannot get past the ladybugs at all! The grow room is compelty clean and their are only a few ladybugs left. I dont know where they went but I think they mostly died off with no food. Their is now. But I gotta get...
  18. dirt clean

    i think i was poisoned!

    hehe, I know put it in fron fo the ozone generator! kills mold;]
  19. dirt clean

    i think i was poisoned!

    wow, dude, if that is mold go to a doctor. Easy to get, and with that crappy trim job it looks like he wanted money or could not spot the mold if it was there. That can kill you.
  20. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    It is hard, I know, to see the plants in detail with the hps light on. To fix this I will attempt to mangle some reg lighting in there on monday to get some fluro pics of the plants. The diference in lighting is shows about what you would expect. Either good or bad, but without that big red...