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  1. bushmang

    36 hours dark before flwr?

    just give them advance nutrients bud blood forces the bud pistils out 1 week earlier a longer veged plant 3 weeks on u can get them out 10 days earlier. 36 hrs of darnkess before harvest helps ripen the crystal faster
  2. bushmang

    Combining Uncle bens topping technique with scrog, worthwhile?

    my advice pertaining to the screen is once you have situated your screen dont move it up as the plants grow let them get big enough so they lean a bit and then throw another layer of screen to hold the very to portion of the screen. Just dont touch the screen and make sure the corners are super...
  3. bushmang

    way hot help anyone

    nothing you can do but wait and see if she recovers looks like you forgot to water her..... happened to me a few times with some big plants they recovered. hope ur still in veg, if you are then you can do a uncle ben style cut of the entire top down to the 4 side nodes and let those become the...
  4. bushmang

    curling tip and a twisted leaf..not

    three things, first thing could be heat stress either its getting too warm in there or the lights are too close. second thing the temperature fluctuation between night and day cycle remember no more than 7 to 8 celcius between night and day. The third thing is if the fan leaves have ripples on...
  5. bushmang

    Adjust A Wing w/ cool tube

    thanks for the info
  6. bushmang

    NFT - help with roots

    :) so far i have not have had any problems as far as for them to dry up because they wrap arround each other right where the water flows into the tank and form a almost rope looking thing along the stream of the water so they wont dry out. If you pick them up and move them they will just grow...
  7. bushmang

    When to use Avanced Nutrients Super Bud Blaster

    i wouldn't use it by itself of course im going to use this as an additional kicker on top of the regular feeding regimine
  8. bushmang

    Cool Tube lumen Reduction question

    hello everyone i was wondering how many lumen a 600 hps looses inside a cool tube? i know that u can run the light lower which in return will get more lumen to the plant over a smaller area. My friend suggested to remove them during the winter since lumen are lost. please advise and clarify...
  9. bushmang

    When to use Avanced Nutrients Super Bud Blaster

    good tokings everyone does anyone know during what stage of flowering do you use this product? NPK is 1-52-31 any experiences with this product? thanks for the feed back
  10. bushmang

    Adjust A Wing w/ cool tube

    looks like no one has info, im going to build one next week ill keep you posted peace out. if you have any info dont hesitate.
  11. bushmang

    Adjust A Wing w/ cool tube

    hello everyone i was wondering if anyone had a pic of a adjustable wing hood attached on a cool tube. i have seen them online before but just cant find them anywhere. Any help wold be appreciate it i just need the pic so i can show the dood at the local grow shop so that he can make me a few...
  12. bushmang

    NFT - help with roots

    Dont worry about the rrots hanging down into the tank i put a plant close to the drain hole and all kinds of roots grow into the tank. Dont worry about it i have finished plenty of harvests like that. Since you are using nft be very carefull with voer feeding, the roots are on a bed of...
  13. bushmang

    Exhaust hole making too much noise

    i hear wind, no rattling or anzthing like that the iso box is mounted on the wall with rubber spacers in between the extractor and the wall. so i dont think the install is a prob. The noise is the sound of big wind coming from the hole thanks for your help
  14. bushmang

    DWC vs NFT

    NFT all the way although i have not have had experience with dwc i do have exp with nft and must say the results are staggering especially in combo with advance nutes. big big buds... i use to grow with gh and switched to advanced and they seem to like the canadian juice :)
  15. bushmang

    the best ballast?

    high end ballasts are a bit more efficient and last longer. they also run a bit cooler so if you have 1 or two lights it makes no difference but when your running 10 lights u might save enough to run 1 more. just remember sometimes u spend a bit more but u will not have to spend again...
  16. bushmang

    Vents on all night

    i turn the extractor off at night and run the circulation fans 24/7. as long as the humidity doese not go to high then were all good. save power turn them off its not like its hot in there at night.
  17. bushmang

    Temperature Poll (VOTE ON THIS POLL!!)

    same here except i drop the temp by 2 or 3 degrees at night and humidity at 30% during the last few weeks of flowering
  18. bushmang

    Exhaust hole making too much noise

    Hello everyone I have a slight problem thats making me a bit paranoid. Now my room is in the basement and i got a 1m2 window that that extractors blow out of. Then there is about 1.5m tunnel up to the back yard. Now there is a built fixture hung on the window, is made air tight with spray...
  19. bushmang

    can drug dogs smell dank thats growing?

    yeah my filter is in tact and i have these green air tabs that hang on the filter and take out the smell completely without those tabs it smells a little bit when u stand right by the extraction hole. with the tabs it smells like an indoor pool