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    which is the most amazing colouring strain youve ever grown?

    awesome response thanks guys! nice pic too btw :) im setting up a 400watt cupboard hydro grow atm.. I was thinking to see how a pineapple express and a white indica would go, see if i can get any colour out of them seeing as i have the seeds handy lol
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    which is the most amazing colouring strain youve ever grown?

    thanks guys :) did you only grow 3? whats the smoke like?
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    which is the most amazing colouring strain youve ever grown?

    Hi everyone, I am really wanting to grow some really bright coloured plants! Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple etc.. I love seeing the colour! which is the best colouring plant you've ever grown from a seed vendor and where can I get it? pics of the plants would be great! :) preferably indica...
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    My first stealth grow! Pineapple Express and White Indica, Help greatly appreciated!

    wow great info, thanks heaps, i will take all of this into account, id love if you could keep checking in and keeping me in line haha, ive got an alright cash flow so i can change whatever if necessary! recon you could write me a list of everything you think i will need to have a successful grow...
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    My first stealth grow! Pineapple Express and White Indica, Help greatly appreciated!

    this is my stealth box, its made from two 60 litre plastic tubs, black tape, foil, 4 small cp fans, and a fluro light from my local hydroponics store. these are my two seedlings "Pineapple Express" on the left and "White Indica" on the right, both in a seed raising mix, they are 4 days old in...
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    will this sprout be okay? :(

    so scrap the 24/0? and go 18-6? thanks :)
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    will this sprout be okay? :(

    thanks :) haha just a little worried., all good ill keep at it!
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    will this sprout be okay? :(

    yea its growing but the leaves are just staying curled in :/ thanks man, i was told 24/0 for about a week while they start out, the pinapple express is shooting up, over 1 cm in a night!
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    will this sprout be okay? :(

    so this girl (white indica) was planted the same day as this girl (auto pinapple express).. this is day 2 after planting, i germinated in wet tissue, can someone please explain what is happening?! huh