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  1. P

    Tips curling down. See pics and help please!

    so i got a blue mystic auto flower growin right now. the tips are curling down though . the ph is about 5.5 6.0. im growing with a trinity deluxe 2.0. the top feeders are on 4 times a day should they be on more?? there under 18/6 light 400 wt hps. here is another pic, please help!
  2. P

    Anyone who can help look at these pics and help!!!

    im growing in a trinity 2.0 and im growing 2 auto flower blue mystic seeds. but i think i may have a defected seed theres this one. the one that maybe defected. but here is a pic of the other one and this one looks normal. what could the coloring in the stem of the normal one be from??? and...