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  1. TheDankness

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    I'm going to smoke a bowl as soon as my girlfriend gets home. That's right liberals, I LIVE WITH MY GIRLFRIEND. I better pack some spf50 because its going to be hot down there... Never mind that we are in love or anything, its frowned upon by the church, and that's all that matters. Tear.
  2. TheDankness

    Did YOU Get High Your First Time?

    I didn't get high, and I'm pretty sure I did everything right at the time. I remember holding it, and a bunch of smoke coming out. That's pretty much what I do now, except now I get high every time.:blsmoke: I think my size had something to do with it, I'm 6'4" weighing in at a little over...
  3. TheDankness

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    You know what else I find funny? So many liberal bashers on a forum that's designed for what is essentially a liberal dominated activity, historically speaking anyway. Without us liberals I doubt any of you conservatives would even be smoking pot.
  4. TheDankness

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    Yeah I agree completely with you on this one Stoney. Hey conservatives, since your set of morals seems to include racism, oppression, and just plain ugly selfishness all in one package deal, I think I'll pass on the morals thing. Instead, I think I'll continue leading a life without morals, a...
  5. TheDankness

    Best Place To Get Alaskan Thunderfuck seeds

    Used to get a batch of the thunderfuck? Doubt it, if you were going to find it anywhere it would probably be the pacific northwest. Probably a knock off strain, but hell, maybe if this phoenix grower had the right connections its possible I guess.
  6. TheDankness

    Best Place To Get Alaskan Thunderfuck seeds

    I don't think the legendary alaskan matanuska thunderfuck strain is available through any seed bank. I imagine the only way to get this strain would be to know some old hippie grower that has been growing it for decades and get a cutting. That strain that sagamartha markets as matanuska is...
  7. TheDankness

    I think my neighbors are growing

    Poppy growing? Not quite...:leaf: Sex offender? Definitely not hahaha. Love watching to catch a predator though, chris hanson has the most stylish haircut on tv.:blsmoke:
  8. TheDankness

    I think my neighbors are growing

    You only noticed those things because you grow yourself. Most people have no idea, no idea at all. Were you fascinated by your neighbors window before you started growing? Didn't think so. Seriously though its sick how many people live their lives hiding in their own little "normal" reality...
  9. TheDankness

    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    Four plants is probably a good number for a closet grow, and I guess Ill throw in some tips on a grow setup for you. Well soil is a good start. 50/50 Promix and Perlite shouldn't let you down. Then there is PH, you want to maintain a stable ph of 6.5 in soil, which is slightly acidic. This can...
  10. TheDankness

    i want too grow indoors i got a closet

    Bro, it would take pages and pages to answer your questions. You are pretty much asking "How do I grow pot, and how much should I expect to yield?" I think you should start by reading an f-ing book, gain some experience with some tomatoes or some non-pot related plant, and then ask some...
  11. TheDankness

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    Oh thank god, I did not want to argue politics today haha. I agree, assholes in both parties. I thought you were insinuating that democrats are, generally speaking, less intelligent. To which I *would* have replied: I work in a truck stop, I've heard ignorant republican truck drivers disrespect...
  12. TheDankness

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    Why is he probably a democrat?
  13. TheDankness

    and we wonderwhy theirs no jobs here.

    Its all very true, but there's a problem. Everyone complains about all of the products sold in America being produced in other countries because of cheap labor, but do any of us have a solution? " say you got a real solution, well you know, we'd all love to see the plan..." We can't all...
  14. TheDankness

    Male or female? Help a new girl out.

    Sorry, didn't mean to crush your dreams, I'm sure you'll do better next time. To answer your question, it looks like a hermaphrodite to me. There are clusters of something on the sides of the bud, but I don't see any hairs coming out of them. Maybe the hairs shriveled up due to stress though...
  15. TheDankness

    Male or female? Help a new girl out.

    That plant looks like a hermaphrodite that was grown in a toilet.
  16. TheDankness

    MAGNESIUM Deficiency? BAD leaf curl *PICS*

    I never apologized, looks like someone is petty AND delusional.
  17. TheDankness

    MAGNESIUM Deficiency? BAD leaf curl *PICS*

    I am 22, I have helped more people than you, and my plants have no Mg problems right now, so I guess I'm more of an expert than you, right?
  18. TheDankness

    What's the Deal With LED lights Anyway

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here, but hell, apology accepted anyway. I have no idea what your use of the word respectively is referring to though. When I used it, it was referring to my ACT scores and their *respective* categories. Hey, if you think you're so smart lets see some...
  19. TheDankness

    MAGNESIUM Deficiency? BAD leaf curl *PICS*

    Not common knowledge to you apparently. If it's common knowledge why did you even start this thread?:mrgreen:
  20. TheDankness

    MAGNESIUM Deficiency? BAD leaf curl *PICS*

    This coming from the guy that did exactly what we said. A thanks would be nice you ungrateful brat...:finger: