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  1. doogleef

    Feelgood Farms - Back in action - With Rabbitt Poop?! 2.4 -1.4 -.60

    I can tell you at this point that I am sure you can use it as a veg nutrient and I run a veg nute until about 3 weeks into bloom so it can certainly save you that $$. We will see what happens going forward into bloom. In the future I plan on mixing it into a supersoil trial. I'll see what...
  2. doogleef

    Organic 1000w hps medical (1st timer)

    Use what you have :) . Give them a bit of that veg fert when you start to see the lowers go bad like that. They don't read too good so they won't care the bottle says "grow" :shock: Marijuana is a nitrophile and it is fucking criminal how little Nitrogen you find in a lot of stuff that is...
  3. doogleef

    Feelgood Farms - Back in action - With Rabbitt Poop?! 2.4 -1.4 -.60

    So far so good. Ready for bloom here shortly.
  4. doogleef

    Feelgood Farms - Back in action - With Rabbitt Poop?! 2.4 -1.4 -.60

    The solo pic is a querkle. A chat buddy very familiar with the line should be able to tell me which pheno it is ;)
  5. doogleef

    Organic 1000w hps medical (1st timer)

    Looking good man. Really good for a first timer. Well done. It looks like your veg nutrition was really good because your fans are a beautiful deep green but your bloom fert has absolutely no N in it which is a bad thing in my opinion. Add some worm casting or something to supply some N.
  6. doogleef

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    elevate each pot just an inch or two to avoid the standing water. I used to use regular saucers from my soil pots to raise them just a bit.
  7. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    If you plan on harvesting ever 3 months you can only veg for 4 weeks tops. Thats about right though. It may take longer to veg/train if you want to use a screen.
  8. doogleef

    Colorado MMJ Support Badge

    I've seen ads for places looking for badged employees. Is the pay any good?
  9. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    6-6.5 ft. That will give you a good 5 feet of grow height.
  10. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    I've found that having a few extra feet of area to play with on the edges is damn handy. 4x4 would be fine but it's yer cab. 4 or 5 plants under a screen would be best if you are limited on height. I see a nice SCROG in your future. If you are planning on cooling the light with a separate fan...
  11. doogleef

    Why are my plants looking like this?

    They were fine up until something changed. You had good growth going on and then something changed and you developed issues. PH issues in soil are exceedingly rare. Sorry man but I think you analysis is wrong. You had some severe nutrition issues and classic claw leaves that are a tell-tale...
  12. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    Forces me to ask .. how does that add up?
  13. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    Need at LEAST a 6" inline fan for that. maybe an 8 if you want to run a filter
  14. doogleef

    How to make Liquid Fertilizer

    Get a pet rabbit and make some rabbit manure tea. Takes a few days in the sun, doesn't smell, super rich in N.
  15. doogleef

    will 4x4x5 1/2 Grow box for 600w work???

    6.5 feet tall would be better if you can. If not, it will be fine. 600w is about perfect for a 4x4 space
  16. doogleef

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    Do the other tenants of the building have anything to say / shit missing?
  17. doogleef

    Are there any Organics that don't smell like DEATH???

    In my experience you are better off to either go all out organic in dirt and use something like supersoil that is just add water, or go chem. It's just a means to an end. All the organic hydro stuff is way overpriced and either smells like a GNC shop or like fish emulsion. Using an inert medium...
  18. doogleef

    Something People Ought to Know

    Great info. Rep + . Feed your soil and let your soil feed your plants.
  19. doogleef

    Marijuana Legalization Measure Out-Funds Opposition 60-1

    Up by 9 points in latest poll. Keep spreading the word!!