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  1. Space Angel

    What is this?? Plz help

    vasoline works????
  2. Space Angel

    different finish time ?

    I'm in ohio too and all i can add is, ride it out till bad weather hits . if frost comes before she's done, then cover at night with a sheet, not plastic as frost will cling to plastic and damage the plant. good luck!
  3. Space Angel

    What is this?? Plz help

    I wouldn't use fingernail polish as the chemicals in that shit will absorb in you plant and could damage it or kill!
  4. Space Angel

    What is this?? Plz help

    I had the same thing, it looks like a little worm and she spewed her eggs out of the hole. I just plugged the hole off with a stick, and the plant has continued to grow with no ill effects and now has giant, nice buds all over, so what I'm saying is not to worry to much I guess?
  5. Space Angel

    What else can i add (soil)

    all good stuff in there! I use all that and then some into a garden bed and come spring, I rototill it all into one and then put into my holes. works great!
  6. Space Angel

    ok cali growers listen to this

    I am behind ya all the way art! if no one see's your point, I do. you proved to me that you're an asset to this site with good growing info, I respect that! keep up your good drow and thanks in advance for any questions I might have for you. you don't have to convince me that you know how to...
  7. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    wow! should have seen some signs by now. oh well, she's a late bloomer.
  8. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    I used beastie bloomz on mine and they just exploded with buds!
  9. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    yeah, they are all female seeds when ordering. $16 a pill. worth it!!!!!!!!!! I started these indoors in febuary for it does take some time to finish. end of sept/first of oct. these are sugar-coated with resin, very sticky!
  10. Space Angel

    california growers

    good to hear..I love that place!!!
  11. Space Angel

    i need help on harvesting

    that's where your curing will come in handy.
  12. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    27% and I have about 3-4 more weeks. they said it was g-13 when I bought them. I did sample some a couple of days ago and it's like a narcotic type of high. very relaxing and just plain stoned for hours.
  13. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    no problem! here's what mines looking like now!
  14. Space Angel


    no buds.....sorry. it really don't make good shit wipers either. basically useless except for seed production
  15. Space Angel

    2 more weeks

    your user name says it all, the art of bud! my garden of weeden smells delightful too,first thing in the morning. I really hate to cut them down sometimes.
  16. Space Angel


    ya gotta pic of the female?
  17. Space Angel


    you can boil it down to make some hash or use it to pollenate a female for seed production, or my favorite thing to do to them...............kill it!
  18. Space Angel


    sorry david, but that fucker looks like a male!
  19. Space Angel

    Outdoor flowering! Getting yellow leaves and purple stem. Pics!

    your plants are just fine. this is all a natural process. cooler temps will induce her to turn a bit purple, but don't worry to much about anything. it looks great!
  20. Space Angel

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    ok, I've got my camera fixed and as soon as fog lifts, I snap a few pics of my g-13 in bud and post em!