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  1. notoriousb

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    mj plants are pretty resilient and are pretty damn remarkable so I dont see why they wouldnt bounce back after a couple days. +rep for biggest transplant in mj history ;-)
  2. notoriousb

    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    ^ ^ spot on Cruzer. Idk if you saw what happened to those politicians in Bell, CA last week but we need to have them all tossed out like they did there. youtube some videos if you dont know what Im talking about, its pretty priceless and needs to happen all over the state. hell, all over the...
  3. notoriousb

    Nb's 2010 Medical Medication Cultivation -Prop 215-

    I know Ive been slacking on the updates, been pretty damn hectic around here but here it is. 1-shiva shanti 2-grapefruit diesel 3-blackberry kush 4-the hindu skunks 5-garden variety been feeding them the FF Grow Big after every two waterings, sometimes every three. been slacking on the...
  4. notoriousb

    Sure Shot's Outdoor Odyssey

    damn thats savage SS :twisted:
  5. notoriousb


    yea the potassium bicarb is definitely something you want to spray later in the day. would give all your ladies a nice crisp'n if you sprayed them mid day. I sprayed it late in flower and it did burn the pistils a bit but didnt affect taste or buzz. the PM never wants to take a hike for me so I...
  6. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    We know how you feel about the sheisty nature of the so called "compassion" clubs but what do you think about the legalization measure thats on the ballot for November midterms?
  7. notoriousb

    Wonder's Medical Grow: 3KW HPS; Hog & Wonder Woman & Hashberry; 8X8; AC!

    knew you'd get it figured out. I just hate that feeling you get when you check your temps and you know its hot before you even read it but then almost shit when you see just how hot it got haha. but sounds like you got it all situated now. so you're taking one of the 12k btu ac's and putting...
  8. notoriousb

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    so Im guessin youre stickin with the co2 for sure eh ;-) buds are lookin tasty and fat as fuck. the pk deff didnt turn as purple but my guess is just from the higher temps all around indoor and out. great work, as always :clap:
  9. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    this grow is really inspiring man. this shot made my jaw drop :-D really some amazing work here TLD
  10. notoriousb

    dc's Island Sweet Skunk F2's and AK47 F4's from seed!

    Mmm DC :weed: nugs are lookin sooopa frosty and I like the tight trim you always do on your buds ;-) +rep if I can haha
  11. notoriousb

    Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]

    all good vibes being sent in your direction B :leaf:
  12. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    Im right there with you man... our generation is so narcisistic and self centered. the majority feel like they are entitled to this and that without putting much skin or anything in. its scary to see the denagration of society in one spoiled generation. and thats not even half of it once you...
  13. notoriousb

    Polish Pot Farmers Outdoor Grow 2010

    looking real good man. it looks badass now but just wait till october and you have a sea of buds :weed:
  14. notoriousb

    Wonder's Medical Grow: 3KW HPS; Hog & Wonder Woman & Hashberry; 8X8; AC!

    damn man 103? :o seems like 24,000 btu's would be more than enough for 3 lights especially since you dont have the ballasts in there plants are looking happy and healthy tho ;-)
  15. notoriousb

    Sure Shot's Outdoor Odyssey

    haha definitely past the point of no return ;-) here's an interesting read when you get the time on the subject of photoperiod acclimatization to help prevent those early bloomers in the future. nothing against early bud though :weed:
  16. notoriousb

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    fuck yea, you'll have great coverage with all those ammenities- 1000w's, light mover, spreaders, and the XXL hoods? shiiiiiiiiit :weed: hope you took some clones of the OCD ;-)
  17. notoriousb

    Nb's 2010 Medical Medication Cultivation -Prop 215-

    damn, quite the regiment ;-) good results with the tiger bloom by itself without the big bloom? cuz I have a bottle laying around that I never got to using. I hear people say it runs pretty hot so good to start out at a 1/4 tsp instead the full tsp. definitely using the Bio Bloom again and think...
  18. notoriousb

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    thats waht Im saying! I need to get my hands on those genetics once this outdoor comes down :weed: love my T5 too. definitely one of the best growing investments Ive made. was that a light spreader in the shot where you can see into the hood? I think thats what I saw bongsmilie you liking them...
  19. notoriousb

    Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]

    damn man, that is one of the all around tastiest looking pulls Ive seen on this site :weed: from the frosssssted out grape rom to the frosted out OG and GH then the mini arm'd man growing CJ colas bigger than anything Ive seen done indoors ;-) really some of the best lookin buds Ive seen. just...