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  1. S

    is it so tight for budding ???

    7*35=245 W CFL one less or more
  2. S

    is it so tight for budding ???

    19*13*122 inches
  3. S

    is it so tight for budding ???

    It's my first time growing and I need little plant in vegging stage about 1.5 month, I wanna change to 12/12 for flowering and I'm not sure is it too tight for budding or not. I can make the case bigger but it's so hard and I get in to trouble. can anybody help
  4. S

    pleas some one help.

    hello guys check this out pleas :
  5. S


    Hello friends. i just wanna know that is it true that in veg stage as much as lumen(light) you give to your plant its grow and it couldn't get sick of light???and is it okay to concentrate the whole light whit aluminum foil on your plant??? because when i'm done it this happened to my plant...
  6. S

    Help me pls !!!

    it said the problem could be for humidity ,light ,heat and nute, but it also said in veg stage as much as light you put, it's okay
  7. S

    Help me pls !!!

    it said the problem could be for humidity ,light ,heat and nute, but it also said in veg stage as much as light you put, it's okay
  8. S

    Help me pls !!!

    It's rich soil but I don't know what they use to rich it
  9. S

    Help me pls !!!

    The newer leaves start too showing sign of what ever it is. should I remove one of CFL's ? Is it true that in veg stage as much as light they get they grow? If yes, how should I know my plant's stage (they have branches too)
  10. S

    Help me pls !!!

    Hello friends. I got this plant for about 5 weeks (second week in veg stage) ,it's started to change what you see in pictures couple of days ago. I use no fertilizer and pot 3 35W CFL's (I use to pot 4) .the temp is perfect I guess (I don't have any thermometer ,I used my hand) I put the pot in...