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  1. C

    I just wanted to say hello...

    I'm a new user here and I just wanted to say hello to everyone!
  2. C

    How do you feel right now???

    I'm in an excellent mood, things are going riiight.
  3. C


    Just making this bigger :)
  4. C

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Anything that is bass heavy seems made for smoking to. Like hip hop or funk :)
  5. C

    Stuff your parents used to say and now you...

    My parents are generally cool with smoking now.
  6. C

    Lungs - Biggest Hit Of All

    I haven't tried this yet.
  7. C

    Marijuana stopped effecting me! help!

    Maybe a tolerance break would help.
  8. C

    Stoner tip of the day

    I always use Grunge Off to clean glass. It seems to work the best.
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    I'm about to wake n' bake!
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    How good is this vapo?

    Try an Herbalaire (sp?). I like mine quite a bit if I choose to vape.
  11. C

    good ol farmers tan! ouchie wow wow!!

    I'm white as hell. I typically rock a farmers tan, but not by choice.
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    alright this is my 1st drug test ever

    Maybe try synthetic urine?
  13. C

    so whats your current favorite food? lets see some pics!!

    I've been diggin' pho lately myself.
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    New bong in need of name

    Why name is at all?
  15. C

    Thc-expo-\so-cal anyone going

    Anyone know if there will be plenty of glass artists?
  16. C

    Get your pups out.

    I'm thinking of buying a corgi. It's cool to see everyone else's dogs.
  17. C

    What's Your Top Ten Or Favorite Stoner Tunes?

    Probably both of Cypress Hill's first records.
  18. C

    The Stoner/Doom Metal Thread

    Kyuss is where it's at. But I also listen Electric Wizard, Orange Goblin, etc.
  19. C

    Radiohead And Muse

    Muse does indeed sound similar to Radiohead.
  20. C

    What Do You Like To Smoke To?

    I like to smoke to hip hop a lot, but you can't go wrong with funk either.