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  1. D

    Need Help

    I recently transfered this plants from my other growing chamber to this one pictured. The new growth of leaves on the top feels very different than the other leaves. The leaf feels rougher than older leafs, in between veins on the leaf sticks up more, and also the leaf is folding. I do believe I...
  2. D


    I just purchased the deluxe supercloset and I was wondering if anyone has one also. If so, I was wondering if they had any special tips or things they learned about the box that would be useful. thank you
  3. D

    Hi I purchased a supercloset deluxe, and in progress of growing right now. I was wondering if...

    Hi I purchased a supercloset deluxe, and in progress of growing right now. I was wondering if there was any tips you would have for me?