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  1. DelSlow

    Check this Texas flashlight out.

    Best. Post. Evar.
  2. DelSlow

    Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

    Lol I was thinking about getting a Desert Eagle but that 500... tough choice.
  3. DelSlow

    Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

    How's the recoil on that thing?
  4. DelSlow

    Global Warming Update

    ok cool, thanks. I used to eat fast food at least once a week but don't anymore. And now whenever I eat at McDonald's (a very rare thing) I get really sick. I wonder what they put in that shit lol.
  5. DelSlow

    Global Warming Update

    Vegan steak? Is it made of tofu? Lol Not hating on vegans Canna, I actually know someone who is vegan, he had some health problems (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) He started the whole vegan thing and now he is fine, doesn't need to take meds or anything. +1 for vegans
  6. DelSlow

    Global Warming Update

    No argument here :)
  7. DelSlow

    Global Warming Update

    LOL you beat me to it.
  8. DelSlow

    Global Warming Update

    Canna is a vegan. Steak. Is. Wrong.
  9. DelSlow

    "i'm crazy, and i'm right"

    :lol: LOL Carne, too funnay :lol:
  10. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Nice buds guys :blsmoke:
  11. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Yup, your plant will sense the shorter photoperiod and it will trigger the flowering phase.
  12. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Go for it :leaf:
  13. DelSlow

    the REAL deal with Ron Paul supporters.

    "Like" :mrgreen:
  14. DelSlow


  15. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Site got hacked and lost some data.
  16. DelSlow

    people are so weird...

    You read my mind :mrgreen:
  17. DelSlow

    What is your biggest pet peeveQ

    If you're talking about subwoofers then I'm sorry for disturbing you :)
  18. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    I love hearing how the herb helps you guys. It contradicts all those fools who keep saying "Marijuana has no medicinal value." Fucking idiots lol
  19. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    That's not good O.O What's the cause of this?
  20. DelSlow

    Hawaii Growers

    Even if I had an illness that qualified for mmj I don't think I would bother giving my info to the state. Leave sick people alone! Fix some godamn potholes :cuss: