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  1. S

    "What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"

    Firstoff i would like to thank you for this discussion we are having, it sure is intillectually stimulating! I understand your viewpoint and you made some very valid points. When i talk about percieving things as just "being" im talking about acceptance of a situation just as it is, that means...
  2. S

    "What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"

    I think that it is a hard concept for the mind to grasp but yes thats exactly what im saying. The mind is constantly judging and analyzing situations and trying to label things. While the general consensus in society would say that torture, rape etc. is bad or evil, if you simply look at the...
  3. S

    "What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"

    good and evil are illusions created by the egoic mind. A situation, person or thing is never inherently good or evil. It just is. It is your mind that is constantly interpreting things and then judging them as good or as evil.