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  1. RandyRocket

    Female with Seeds Still Smokable?

    I would be out of dope now. I'm stoned on one of the seed babies as i type this.
  2. RandyRocket

    Guess My yield

    1/3 pound (148g) is my guess.
  3. RandyRocket

    new setup need advice..

    look at these.
  4. RandyRocket

    first grow (with pics) .. when should i flower?

    with my strain this is what happens. 12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest. she was 42.8 grams dry weight. this one vegged to 18" then flowered 106.7 grams dry
  5. RandyRocket

    First Grow Closet room design. HPS

    i was goning to say look at this but it looks like you have most of what you need. so good grow.
  6. RandyRocket

    Female with Seeds Still Smokable?

    my seed cropand it got me stoned off my ass this is the plants my seeds for DonkeyDick came from (Seed Crop). the mail DonkeyDick i smoked the males also.
  7. RandyRocket

    Randy's FAQ's for New Growers

    12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest. she was 42.8 grams dry weight. this one vegged to 18" then flowered 106.7 grams dry
  8. RandyRocket

    how many plants to yield a kilo ?

    12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest. she was 42.8 grams dry weight. this one vegged to 18" then flowered 106.7 grams dry
  9. RandyRocket

    MY thread, MY fucking rant

    listen to this
  10. RandyRocket

    FASTEST growing crip strain

    this is the plants my seeds for DonkeyDick came from (Seed Crop). the mail DonkeyDick
  11. RandyRocket

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    our best friend is blind so him and his wife have seen it. but that was at the old place. i don't need to grow for a while. and at this place it will take some more time to learn the habits of the staff and other resedents. plus this is a brand new place and as they like mrsrocket they fix...
  12. RandyRocket

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    apartment grows have a level of danger. but if you put the grow in a place where no maintance is req'ed then look the door you will be safe. also just be smart about every thing you bring in and out. know all the neighbors and be some one they will ask for help. i always take the older...
  13. RandyRocket

    Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...

    i read it also. that is why MrsRocket or I are always try to be home.
  14. RandyRocket

    Randy's FAQ's for New Growers

    12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest. this is the plants my seeds for DonkeyDick came from (Seed Crop). the mail DonkeyDick
  15. RandyRocket

    Indoor growing question

    you can do it both ways. each has a +/- paper towel + is you only plant seeds that sprout. - you can damage the seed if you are not careful (arn't we stoned alot) Soil + no broken seeds. - some seeds take a long time and you think oh that one didn't work. if you waste the dirt...
  16. RandyRocket

    FASTEST growing crip strain

    if all you have is 11 weeks then do any strain on a 12/12 from seed. this is a strain called DonkeyDick at day 70ish from seed. it was harvested around day 85 was 52" tall. (in a 1 gallon pot). with a dry weight of 42 grams. look at these threads for more ideas...
  17. RandyRocket

    Is it possible with this budget?

    if you can build stuff that saves a boat load of money. look at other peoples grow jourians for ideas.
  18. RandyRocket

    First Grow, Cheap Set-Up

    thanks, all so i smoke a lot of dope so if i'm stoned it can be hard to read. the new place is cool. it's just like a gaint hotel. 250+ units under 1 roof.
  19. RandyRocket

    how much electricity is too much?

    if you pay the bill no one will check. don't be late.
  20. RandyRocket

    how much electricity is too much?

    if you can't pay the bill you are using too much.