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  1. loke

    WHy is Weed Getting So Much Play?

    Sorry bout that, I'm severely lacking in empathy but somehow I just got a placebo high from you when you described your high. lol
  2. loke

    Polar Bears dying From Climate Change

    Your pattern of thought is headed in the right direction. Waste reclamation and recycling would be a good start to bettering our planet indeed. What would also better our planet is the complete abolishment of all money. Imagine living in a world where everyone was perfectly honest and free of...
  3. loke

    favorite beer?

    Fosters beer, the best beer ever made, IMO.
  4. loke

    WHy is Weed Getting So Much Play?

    That's funny I thought it was breasts, lol j/k thanks dude.
  5. loke

    WHy is Weed Getting So Much Play?

    :shock: it is?!!!??? Setting Auto-Tune now :D Thanks for telling me man, I would have missed it.
  6. loke


    Ever heard of fruit flavored papes? Some of them taste delicious. Blueberry kush+ Bluberry papers is like blueberry pie, yummy :eyesmoke:
  7. loke

    WHy is Weed Getting So Much Play?

    I like the idea of blazing at a bar too but the only problem I would have is people bugging out on weed. Not all people can handle weed and if newbies start spazing out on weed in a public bar, this wouldn't look good for our culture at all.
  8. loke

    Polar Bears dying From Climate Change

    Oh, is that why their no longer in Coca-Cola Commercials anymore? Thats tragic, I found them to be delightfully creepy in those commercials. Seriously though, the earth is a much bigger being than us, I think it's just trying to clean the animal infection from its backside through a seemingly...
  9. loke

    WHy is Weed Getting So Much Play?

    Yeah, I've noticed this phenomena aswell. It's almost as if the FCC is becoming more tolerant of the mention of weed, it's a refreshing change. Craig Ferguson admits that he's high all the time now but he is still calling Joints, herbal cigarettes, lol....dudes a huge toker.
  10. loke

    Do you believe in God?

    I agree with some of your logic but what are we gonna do about it? Start a "Say No To Gods campagn"..? I think the true enemy is a self fulfilled religious dichotomy perpetuated by the lack of communication and understanding.
  11. loke

    Do you believe in God?

    lol dude your awesome, im gonna +rep you every chance i get.
  12. loke

    THE NIGHT-n-Toke. What is happenin.

    I havent had weed in two weeks and when I finally get the chance to score some, I find out my friend wants to move in...problem is, hes one of those friends that your kind of embarrassed to hang out with in public because hes a bit tweaky and seems to have the arrogant talent to kill highs with...
  13. loke

    Do you believe in God?

    Well put. That is almost exactly my belief, minus the heaven part. I believe our consciousness just ceases to exist and the energy of the shell in which our being once found life in, gets absorbed and distributed within the Earth and the Milky Way and unto the great totality of the universe...
  14. loke

    Do you believe in God?

    I don't believe in god(s) as such. I believe that there exists entities in the universe who have evolved to a state of pure energy. these beings have achieved an existence of perfect vibration, these superior entities of energy govern reality through, probability, coincidence, synchronicity and...
  15. loke

    Earth is growing?

    Nice posts. i love it, man if this info was weed it would be some strong az chronic called pwnasaurus roxxorz baby! hellz yeah, true stuff rules.:clap: smoke on:joint:
  16. loke

    How long do you think this will continue?

    Not particularly, I only see the temporary ultimate truth in things. I'm a Nietzschean nihilist, we actually are known for being invariably existential but not at the sacrifice of logic. Life is a parody of the past and a mockery of the future. What is now will change to fit tomorrow, change...
  17. loke

    How long do you think this will continue?

    Our financial state of being; which I believe to be a temporary condition, will pass and all will be different for all of us. The laws of the universe say that all things are temporary and everything is governed by evolution in Time. I believe that we all will learn from this situation, recover...
  18. loke

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    i like the tobacco high, its nice and relaxing but nothing compares to the sweet heavenly euphoric high of weed.
  19. loke

    do you smoke resin? what are your thoughts on it...

    in my experience resin gets you hella high but can sometimes be harsh and dirty, becoming a buzkill.
  20. loke

    What Michael Phelps Should Have Said

    I dunno, I think this' all just been blown way out of proportion, so he was smoking something other than tobacco, 'oh noes hide the kids and ruin that mans reputation!' *sighs* it's such a sad state of affairs when the public deems it necessary to control a celebrities life like this. Too many...