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  1. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    Thanks for the quick responses. I will try to move them to bigger containers tomorrow. Would 4 quart containers of of soil be enough?
  2. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    The bag is empty. I had two other plants that ended up being males so I yanked those out. They were in slightly smaller containers smaller containers. There might be two quarts at most in each container.
  3. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    Also wondering how much time do you guys estimate I have to move them into bigger pots and does it matter that they are 2weeks into flowering
  4. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    I don't think I can move them from that area though. The only other choice I have is to move them outside. How small a container can I use and still keep them in the 2x2x2 area?
  5. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    yes i think it was potting soil or potting mix I can't remember what it say on bag. I know it was a 10 quart bag.
  6. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    They are in gallon containers(I think). It's the biggest size container that simply orange comes in. I used miracle grow. I know a lot of people hate miracle grow. don't know if its because of that or not. If it is nutes then what type should I be looking for. I can mostly just go to Lowe's at...
  7. B

    Leaves are turning yellow and drooping

    Ok so I am on two and a half weeks of flowering and I have two female plants. On one of them the leaves on bottom are turning yellow. Some in the middle have also started turning yellow. On the other the leaves are drooping and one leaf has got some yellow. I think it may be overwatering. I try...
  8. B

    Are these male plants?

    Do you tear off the little sacks and throw them away or do you include those in the compost bin?
  9. B

    Are these male plants?

    It is a total of four plants. Those two are the first to show sex. The pics above are only of the two that have showed sex. The little sacks haven't opened yet so I can toss them without worrying any pollen as been released right? Yeah. I think the other plant is hermied because it has like a...
  10. B

    Are these male plants?

    damn that sucks. Thanks guys for responding so quickly. All the plants are under a foot tall. Can I make canna butter with these two plants if the other turns out to be male as well? Would it even be potent enough to make the effort or should I just pull them and throw them away?
  11. B

    Are these male plants?

    I have a small grow indoors and currently have four plants into flowering. Two of them are starting to show little balls and I am thinking they are male. One has a bunch of little balls together. The other has little balls too but they are growing in separate areas(not together). I just want to...