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  1. doctorD

    Whats up with my runoff?

    Ok so im like the 4th wk and have been using Advanced Nutriants.(pics are in my signature) I have not flushed till now. I have had some yallowing and was thinking they were not getting enough nutriants. The plants are feed with 1200 ppm and the ph is 5.9-6.3ish. So last night I was mixing up...
  2. doctorD

    Making Water-Hash video

    lol how could you ever think the dreads were real? he looks like dan akroyd in trading places. Thats the first thing I thought of when I watched the dvd. "when did dan akroyd start growing weed?"
  3. doctorD

    Noob in over his head first grow ... outside ....21 seeds

    well thats gona be a full time job cool. I want some pics how cool would that be. a field of plants to run in lol
  4. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    Thanks guys. I really am glad to have this site. Its a shame I cant show my friends what im doing. Id love to brag and show off but as you know thats the #1 reason for getting busted. I even had to tell the guy I got the seed from that some family had to move in with me and I had to shut it all...
  5. doctorD

    Noob in over his head first grow ... outside ....21 seeds

    No your not dont lie.
  6. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    Im at around 1200ppm. I do have some yellowing on a few leaves so I was thinking I was not feeding enough. I now think the yellowing is from lockout and not under feeding.
  7. doctorD

    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    It sure looks like a male but dont pull it yet. I had some that I thought were male but as time went on it was claerly a female. Just wait another few days.
  8. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    I just flushed today. They all got 1.5gal water ph'd at 6.5 the runoff had a ppm of 1900 and the ph is at 6. I had about .5gal of runoff from each. I think the ppm is to high for run off but I haven flushed b4 so I guess it really needed it.
  9. doctorD

    Trainwreck on steroids

    Cool it looks like its gona be tight in the room. Maybe you can trtain them to go short and not taller.
  10. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    first pic is mine the 2ed is from the mag.
  11. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    Well it wont be a new breed cuz it came from seed so im sure more are out there. I was just looking in cannabis culture and I think I saw the same plant. I swear its like someone came in the garden at nite taking pics when im asleep. Kina strange.
  12. doctorD

    First Grow CFL Shed

    Looks like your on your way.
  13. doctorD

    Ethnicities you fancy.

    Thats what I thought but It was Hawaii, lots of women to pick from so I didnt want to put in the time I guess.
  14. doctorD

    Ethnicities you fancy.

    I dated a portugese girl when I lived in hawaii. She was way hot but never let me have sex with her, she would only do oral wtf is that about???
  15. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    Ok you see the color at the base? Its close but not as dark as mine and the color is through out the entire thing not just the base. The cap is even purple
  16. doctorD

    Ethnicities you fancy.

    I like asian women as well as european women.I have a small russian deli next to my work and the most amazing women go in and out of that place.
  17. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    I know its crazy it looks like grape gum its that strange deep grape/purple color
  18. doctorD

    Noob in over his head first grow ... outside ....21 seeds

    your comment reminded me of the song "high grade" by Jah Mason. its worth a listen. :wink: Thanks Is a cool song I just listened to it.
  19. doctorD

    White Russian start to finish

    I havent grown it b4 and with the inconsistent phenotypes ill have to just watch them. Im guessing around 7wks. I just watch the trichs to know when to harvest. Hers the thing though. Last night I was looking at them with my scope (tried to get a pic through the scope but it didnt work) and The...
  20. doctorD

    Trainwreck on steroids

    Looks good. What fan do you have on the filter? Any proplems pulling air through the bends in the ducting? I read that you lose like 20% power for every 90deg bend. Could you stand the filter up so the opening is on the bottom then to the lights? You may want to shorten the flex duct to the...