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  1. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    seeds with no male plant

    stressing a plant makes it think its life is about to end so it will make itself a hemi to make seeds so is genes will live on. light is usually a root cause. if your in veg and your lights go to a flower timing then back to veg timing then you run the risk of stressing the plant. get rid of the...
  2. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    seeds with no male plant

    keep the seeds they will be 100 % female for the next go round. Females that turn hermi is still female just with male parts so it breeds 100% feminized seeds
  3. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    seeds with no male plant

    by the time he moves all the plants about looking for any hermis he can spread pollen every where. it could be the smallest branch of the biggest plant that decided to go perpetual. if he finds it just snip the hermi parts off. will look like male balls hanging at the bud node sites
  4. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    seeds with no male plant

    Hermaphrodite is the term you are looking for and your buddy has one in the room, Females can stress and make male parts. in the bizz we callem hermis it happens when a light cycle gets messed up. got to find it or it can ruin his whole room of buds.
  5. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    OUTDOOR: best plant additives

    blood meal, bone meal, mush room compost, fish emulsion, worm castings, with some chicken shit. hand full of each in a 5 gallon buckets, add water mix let sit for 10 days or so in direct sunlight good for 2 waterings with 5 or 6 plants did this on my balcony in Europe last summer.
  6. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Im Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover

    just a phenotype in the plant man thats all. if you top or trim high up in the plant you will have this happen too. i have one now that ive been topping alot so theres an array of leaflet sets on mine as well. just like people all plants grow differently. its not special or good luck. nice...
  7. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Strange Leaf Curling!

    sounds like a bad phenotype in the strain. ive had retarded sets of leaves come on out door plants that never had nutes then they would fix them selves if it were the claw which is usually heat related it would be all over the plant and all of the plants if its a soil or ph issue it would also...
  8. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Michigan Growers

    lol 7411 sounds like a badge number to me. Troll. Funny how your first post is looking for yields. Blew your cover on the first go around. Noob
  9. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    now while in veg. the object is to get as much veg and stemage and as many nodes as possible so you have more bud sites. you can veg a plant for years if you wanted to then bud it when its the size of a Volkswagen
  10. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    yeah man. just clip the freshest newest groath at the very top node. use fingernail clippers. then you single stalk will turn to 2 like this. this was last summer in europe
  11. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    topping just gives you 2 colas then if you top those you will get 4 and so on and so fourth. topping the branches just gives you more popcorn buds. keep you set up small 2 plants are plenty for a back yard grow.
  12. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    im in the south and do the out door thing and usually harvest in October
  13. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    ok so if you have pistols on both, and your not going to move them you need to start thinking about light nutes and thats about it for now. maybe top the girls and there branches when they come about and you you will have some nice hybrid bushes
  14. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Help Me with My Plants Please!

    lookin good noob. you have options here so dont be so quick to jump on the first reply. first thing you need to do is check the nodes for male or female parts. if they have not sexed yet then you need to leave them b till they do. Hate to waste time and effort on a worthless male ya dig. once...
  15. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Rate the posters avatar above you...

    really thats the best you can do??
  16. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    yellow leaves

    bottom leaves? could be perfectly normal depending on the age. need way more info.
  17. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    What the hell is this!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    looks like male pre flowers to me. too many balls and no pistols on that patty.
  18. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    back and chest acne-any help out there??

    quit eatin fried chicken and potato chips.
  19. JoNny Pot sMokeR

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump Bump Bump. Tripple bong rips of some of my homies homegrown Macedonian bud. Not a bad Sativa if i do say so my self. not sure the strain.