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  1. hom36rown

    To Opt, Or Not To Opt ... ???

    Good article. Can't wait for all the liberal responses as to what a cunt Ann Coulter is.
  2. hom36rown

    Guys pls helppp!

    Anything is a poison at a high enough dose, but usually the term poison is reserved for highly toxic substances...psilocybin is less toxic than aspirin, and aspirin is not considered a poison, so I would not consider psilocybin a poison.
  3. hom36rown

    In The Future There Will Be A One World Gov't And It Will Be Internet Based!

    You have 4 toes on your right foot.
  4. hom36rown

    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

  5. hom36rown

    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

  6. hom36rown

    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

  7. hom36rown

    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

  8. hom36rown

    Got The Knock And Talk @ 4 Am

    My door mat says, "come back with a warrant"
  9. hom36rown

    What's a proper insurance settlement for whiplash?

    No medical bills? I have no clue, but might as well try to get him to go higher right? Tell him you talked to a lawyer and he says that $1000 is bullshit.
  10. hom36rown

    do i have ocd or somthing?

    I have a habit of pulling out my eyelashes when I'm really bored and really baked lol
  11. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Where in my post did I say gold is the only real currency? I don't even advocate the gold standard. Nice incoherent rant though.
  12. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Anything can change in value, including gold. As more gold is mined, the value goes down, as there is more of a demand, the value goes up. But you are correct, the dollar is on the way out, thanks to our reckless monetary policy. The Euro is already making huge gains on the dollar, and it is...
  13. hom36rown

    Socialism is the Root of all Evil

    And what is the root of all money?
  14. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Yes, I said Obama is going to make the economy worse. I did not, however, blame the current state of the economy on Obama, fucktard. Its ok, some people just don't have the greatest reading comprehension skills. Now, Do you have anything of substance to add or do you just come on here to troll?
  15. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    What an enlightening retort. To be clear, every president going back to Wilson plays a role in our current debacle...and not once did I say that the shape of our economy was Obama's fault...troll.
  16. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Well he certainly has contributed a lot to the problem in his short time in office, and he's certainly only making things worse in the long run.
  17. hom36rown

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    Oh, I dont know...Our $trillion+ deficit, our $11 trillion+ debt, our $50trillion+ in unfunded liabilities, our $trillion+ a year trade imbalance, our negative savings rate, our lack of manufacturing, our dependence on foreign credit, and the plummeting dollar.