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  1. G

    Leaves yellow, stem droopy, burnt tips, bugs HELP

    I had/have a similar problem, and after recieving some advice, i think it came down to using 'miricle grow potting soil'. waaaay to many nutes :/ mije are about 12 days after popping up. i now have three almost dead PPP fems, and 2 getting the same symptoms as you. good luck with your grow mate...
  2. G

    Will my seedling survive?!? please help!

    sh*it! yeeah i read it :-| hmm do you think it would be worth transfering the others to a soliless mix asap at all? cheers jahtrip =]
  3. G

    Will my seedling survive?!? please help!

    cheers for the quick replys guys =] yeah i think it is over watering, i did water it quite heavily the other night, and the morning after it ended up like that. thanks again!!
  4. G

    Will my seedling survive?!? please help!

    Ok basically im growing 5 pure power plant seedlings (first grow), im growing them inside before planting them outside. i think its about day 6, 4 are doing great, but the 5th is about half the size of the others, wilted and curled looking, and the leaves are turning sort of a browny, dark green...