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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    who cares, do you got any thing to say about blueberry. Thats what this thread is.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    my grow

    get the eggs out of your soil. The egg shells are supposed to be strained into your water to balance the PH(poor mans method for calcium). If you do not have any way of testing your ph, you might as well throw your plants away. Spend 10 dollars on some ph tester and you will not need eggs. Other...
  3. JonnyBlunt88

    Wacky Bag Seed Input Please !!!!

    .....thats drool, bring em
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    Cheap light set up

    height does not matter. My Blueberrys only vegged for 5 weeks. I have these girls on their 10 node and they are all less than 10". They have all started budding and should yeild some good buds. If you keep your fluero, you will still get buds but I recommend investing in an HPS light.
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    Roadtrip????????? FUCK YEAH!!

    Just to be clear fdd2blck, those are BB buds right? I would like to know, my BB have just started and I need want to know what they might look like. Check em out.
  6. JonnyBlunt88

    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    Ok, green giant, depending on where you got your BB seeds will decide the quality. been is right when he said that they do not grow up as uniform as other seeds would. This is my second BB grow and this one was much better than my first. I germinated my last 10 BB, and 8 have turned out Female...
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    Blue Mystic and Early Special...

    Thats taking a while, I just found 8 girls at day 9. Thats BB though, so your strain propably just takes longer. Stay patient.
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    Mandala Seeds Kalichakra and Satori

    I just took BB clones and they look good so far, but you can never tell until they die. It was my first time so ill just tell you what I did. First I soaked 1" rockwool cubes in distilled water for about 5 hours. drained the cubes and preped my humidity dome and heatpad. I cut the cubes in...
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    closet grow

    whats the neem oil for. are you using it for nutes?
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    I think I over did it.

    Got any pics of them
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    WhiteWidow, First Grow

    im using 2 part dutch master ferts and they work fine for me. Much better than the cheap stuff that came with the cabinet. I have not tried to much other ferts, so hopefully someone with more exp. on this gives you a hit. Congrats on the fems, I got some myself. check it out.
  12. JonnyBlunt88

    First grow in closet

    do you mean cut the buds off, then put it back into veg. Can you do that. Would it bud again?
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    verry nice

    Ill sell you some, but you gotta come up here.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    ok.. how does this look for a hydrosystem

    thats what I did only I spent alot more than $50.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    Jock Horror Soil Closet Grow

    they have to develop pollen sacs, then release it before affecting your fems. I actually let this happen and it took about 3 weeks from the time I saw the pollen sacs, to when they released the pollen. what a mess.
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    Jock Horror Soil Closet Grow

    looking good, Nice cam. The buds are going to look real nice with it.
  17. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Here are my ladies. I can say that because 7 of them have shown, Im sure the last one is fem. Thats the one in the middle that I Fim'd. It had to recover so It should show soon. One thing that I can not figure out is why my best budding plant has turned out to be my worst. Its the only one that...
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    Mountain Growing in Central America

    How are the feds on growing over there. I heard that they mostly target large scale ops. and will make deals with the growers. Anyway, nice plants man, keep us posted.
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    Hows this plant looking?

    plant looks good, I dont know about that name though.
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    Height Issue

    got any pictures.