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  1. thcheaven


    I saw them in concert for the first time two summers ago. They were really good live, I was impressed. But, like FDD, I wouldn't say labal them one of the greatest.
  2. thcheaven

    what's in YOUR rep box? lol

    Yo Pimp! That was the ticket! thank you!
  3. thcheaven

    what's in YOUR rep box? lol

    I'll ask again. What's up with the rep system? I went on vacation, came back, and riu had changed. I no longer have the scales, to give + or - rep. How do I give rep now??????????
  4. thcheaven

    med card but no cultivation certificate?

    I see you are in Cali, so, The recommendation alone allows you to grow. The limits are debatable, but they seem to be 12 immature and/or 6 adults. although I've never understood the and/or part....... I post a copy of my rec by my grow....
  5. thcheaven

    what's in YOUR rep box? lol

    how do we give or take rep now, I no longer see scales on my screen........
  6. thcheaven


    They can laugh all they want. I'll be laughing in 2013! I refuse to worry about anything, if it's real or not, that I can not change......
  7. thcheaven

    Not about weed but more about glass

    Buying off the internet is sketchy at best. How do you know the quality without actually holding a piece? Watch out for DRILLED out pieces, India glass if I may... The only way to legally import pieces is to only have 2 holes. 3 holes and is legally pariphinilia """even the spell checker...
  8. thcheaven


    What the hell is going on lately. I think everyone is getting pretty fucking paranoid lately. History channel runs a week of armeggedon and half the people on this forum started digging fallout shelters! End of the word, Chem trails in the sky, Government plots to suppress info..... Some of you...
  9. thcheaven

    Yellowing split down center!

    The wife took the camera to visit family. so, no new pics. I did cut that branch and put in rockwool to clone, so far looks good. Still the only leaf like that, I was kinda hoping for more, it looks cool. New pics later.....
  10. thcheaven

    Yeah,they BETTER rethink that! Hademade toys and children’s clothing will not go away

    And parinoia sets in! Those are called vapor trails. Most likely caused by high level commercial jets. Commercial routes are all criss-crossed. Just because they didn't land in Vegas doesn't make it some government plot. Air flowing over a planes wing is compressed, compressed air in cold...
  11. thcheaven


    Thanks for reminding me about agnostic front!
  12. thcheaven

    what do you think will happen in 2012?

    I will finally grow 10 lbs under 1 1000w'er! and, Oregon Meds will finally get rid of those fucking spider mites!
  13. thcheaven

    Nobody Can Help me?!

    Miracle grow bad, pictures good
  14. thcheaven

    Feeding vs. Plane water in last days of grow

    I grow in dirt so, I don't check.
  15. thcheaven

    Does anyone like to get high and lift weights?

    I disagree. Google eddie bravo. He won a championship, was stoned everytime he trained. He's also good buddies with joe rogan......
  16. thcheaven

    Feeding vs. Plane water in last days of grow

    hey guys, SMOKE a joint and chill.......
  17. thcheaven

    Feeding vs. Plane water in last days of grow

    room temp on both it dissolves quit easily....
  18. thcheaven

    Feeding vs. Plane water in last days of grow

    Actually, for the last two weeks, I flush with ""PLAIN"" water and a tablespoon of molasses per gallon. I don't care for flavor of Chemical Nutes. The molasses act like a carb load, pumps the buds up in size.
  19. thcheaven

    What did you buy today?

    2 $.99 burgers and a large chili from wendy's. Sorry to be short, but I gotta run to the bathroom!
  20. thcheaven

    Feeding vs. Plane water in last days of grow

    How do you get the water from the planes? I think the blue stuff is probably bad for the plants......