Search results

  1. G

    Tricks I have not heard of before and can't find reference.

    Ok, so I met someone who can grow like no ones business. (The best I have seen, beating any magazine shot of stuff.) But the tips he gave me where weird and I never heard of them. First was 2 step lighting. He said that he was using two kinds of lights. That only for the final hour of their...
  2. G

    2 Week To Harvest?!?!?...

    Looks like everyone's estimates two weeks ago was spot on. You got another 2 weeks to go by the looks of it.
  3. G

    Need Design: Veg rooms only - 12' x 24', 8,800 watts, hydro

    Ok, at the risk of sounding like a total noob, what would the fogger be for? lol