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  1. S

    Soil and light cycles

    ok, do you have any pics of an example set up?
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    my first grow

    what are the nutrients ratio that i need in my potting soil?
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    Soil and light cycles

    any advice?
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    Soil and light cycles

    im using miracle grow organic soil for my first plant, im wondering if thats ok. and i also am curious about the light cycles on how mcuh time to give it light and darkness. also, how close should my cfl's be to the plants? i have 2 plants and 2 lights thanks
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    seeds arent sprouting

    do i need to keep a light on them?
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    seeds arent sprouting

    ive tried putting my seeds in a damp paper towel for a few days and the seeds didnt sprout. ive also tried just plating the seeds and putting flourecents on them and nothing has happened. any ideas?
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    first time plant

    any advice?
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    first time plant

    haha sry, heres the pics... and i just planted a new seed in the organic mix. the other plants were leaning over all crazy. and if i use a desk lamp, wont the light be to far away? send me a pic of an ideal lamp. thanks man
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    first time plant

    nice, i just picked up the cfl invision 60W bulb and some organic MG mix. only thing i need now is something to hold the lights in place. seeing that some of my growing will be done under the bed. heres a pic of my setup. ive gotta keep the set up kinda low key btw
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    first time plant

    wow, thanks a lot man. ill have to pick one up today. do you think the soil im using will be good enough? and will i need to just have on plant per pot?
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    first time plant

    thanks for the advice. btw, im using a 60w phillips plant light instead of flourecent b/c of the limited room space. do you think they appear to be getting enough air and water? im also groing in miracle grow moisture control mix. thanks a lot
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    first time plant

    yes,..... here are some pics of it. any help would be appreciated. idk if i have to many plants in the same soil. thanks
  13. S

    first time plant

    my first time plant is growing and im wondering if i should trim the leaves or not? it seems to be leaning sometimes. btw, there are 3 differnet stems coming from the soil. thanks a lot