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  1. longlizard

    DEA to halt medical marijuana raids

    California Marijuana Proposal 49 copies required
  2. longlizard

    turning fruit into wine

    Herbal Wines or Metheglin, honey-based wines in which the flavor is augmented by herbs. Why not use your sweet leaf to add flavor to your drink. Make beer with marijuana instead of hops.
  3. longlizard

    Male or Female

    I can differentiate female and males plants, the light I seek is growth parameters to encourage, induce, or favor the female determination of a seeedling. I have read that moist, cool, and nitrogen enriched soil will favor the plants to become female. Dry, hot, and potassium enriched soil will...
  4. longlizard

    Bc seed king

    I had the BC Depot Sweet Tooth last year, and they offer a BC Sweet Tooth too. It was beautiful tons of trichromes and finished in early September. I had 6/10 get to adulthood, 5/6 females. Males normally show sex first, it was the females that showed sex first, the buds were fat and sassy...
  5. longlizard

    I noticed on a thread of "Cloning from a Leaf" you posted a rooted leaf. May I inquire the out...

    I noticed on a thread of "Cloning from a Leaf" you posted a rooted leaf. May I inquire the out come of that rooted leaf? It look very cool any way, peace.
  6. longlizard

    95% Favor Legalization...

    95.1% count me in
  7. longlizard

    Whats the best deer repellent

    I have read that it smells of a decaying carcass, the herbivores deer and rabbits, will aviod it. I hope bear don't think its rotten enough for them. They play hell with my 5 gallon pots, just like a dog and a chew toy. Plants all over the place and buckets with holes in them. I will try it...
  8. longlizard

    Obama the Political Sociopath

    Supporters of programs to provide legal marijuana to patients with painful medical conditions are celebrating Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement Administration would end its raids on state-approved marijuana dispensaries...
  9. longlizard

    DEA to halt medical marijuana raids

    Holder confirms states to have final say on use of drug for pain control About Time:bigjoint: Supporters of programs to provide legal marijuana to patients with painful medical conditions are celebrating Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement...
  10. longlizard

    Obama the Political Sociopath

    No More Medical Raids - If your sick, you can use Marijuana! Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement Administration would end its raids on state-approved marijuana dispensaries. Thank you, but no thank you for your opinion-
  11. longlizard

    BC Sweet Tooth X Lowrder 2 105wCFL

    Aborted the grow. I let someone know and it got back to me. One of the Ten Commandments or something, to keep it quiet. Perhaps in a few weeks, I will buy some weed, and that word will get around too. I'll answer any referances with "I wish". Peace
  12. longlizard

    Vermiculture: Worms and their pooh

    These worms are also called compost worms or manure worms, as manure is a natural part of their diet. I am trying a new way for my guerilla plots. I dig a 1'x1'x1' adding compost, horse manure, and vermicompost with worm cocoons. Worm cocoons hatch 5-10 new worms and they begin to eat and...
  13. longlizard

    hey check it out

    Peace, you know your grow. I must be stoned
  14. longlizard

    If you get caught

    Just don't pull a gun on the warden and tell them you know where they live, and they won't call in the National Guard. Thats the problem in some of the National Forests in the west. A Federal charge for sure. Be stealth and prepared to except a loss, leave no trace that will return to you.
  15. longlizard

    hey check it out

    Long stems are reaching for light, you might add more or bring them closer . pretty babies though.
  16. longlizard

    Vermiculture: Worms and their pooh

    Adding worms to your garden will greatly improve your yield. I will be adding this to my garden and my guerilla site. I have pictures of turnips and carrots. On the left the control 0% worm castings, center 10% worm castings, and on the right 20% worm castings added to the soil. This link...
  17. longlizard

    anybody know of a high profit plant?

    If you are able to can (Mason/Ball/Kerr) friut with a pressure cooker you might for go the expensive kits. There are tech's for prepetual harvest from spore to mycielum to primordia to fungi. Save the best cap while fresh you can clone or make a spore print to start the cycle once more...
  18. longlizard

    Could water cured brick weed be...

    Fluffing up your brick, will never alway pass for mids. It might make then look better, though you might lose some of the trichromes in the process.
  19. longlizard

    Buying Seeds in the USA

    Yes they send you a letter and state if you want to argue your case they can assist you. If you don't nothing will happen. Who know what if you try to claim them, cut your losses before they cut you.
  20. longlizard

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Nice Seed Thread: great pictures