watch your special D over xmas cause of the demand its usually not your normal postman but a newb with a van, so far had 1 not even get a red card just on the tracking site said return to sender address incorrect bollacks just a newb postman couldnt be arsed to look to hard.....
had another on...
quite a few of the gta 5 torrents on tpb have bitcoin mining programs mixed up in the files so be careful, tbh i dont think many if any of the gta 5 torrents are any good prob better of to buy it seeing as its such a great game.
pic aint the greatest but was some very good cocaine lab tested buy wedinos, came back major cocaine nowt else no levisimole, benzocane, lindocaine just a major for coke, was lovely stuff real rocket fuel. small piece on the left i washed and lost very litlle.
im chilled boys they counter act each other n create a whole new buzz lol
wouldnt say no to some more of this tho lol chatted a few ears of last night lol
disco bisquits lol what they taste like e's lol member trying to smoke e's in me youth does nuffing and taste nasty lol 1st e i was shitting meself only 16 so tried smoking half lol even done a e bucket lol then dropped the other half and the rest is history lol
when i got some that is lol aint been on nowt for a while mg dont count me out tho lol fuck em had enough of being the boogyman when most the fam on the booze or gambling we all got our vice's....
im good mate but your spot on bout these so called ''newbs'' ffs how dumb do people think you can be when you been reading the same thread half a decade +!
''Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win!''
you where right bout that NA shit Zedd borderline fucking cult or something managed 2 meetings n no thanks, off the sauce for a while now tho of...