i usually give 35-42 days for beans to mature on plant. another 3 weeks to dry…although i've had 100% germ on 100 seeds that were drying for 5 days….do what works for u
i wouldn't suggest turning the fan speed down at all, get a filter that can handle your fans top speed. i can probably count on 1 hand how many of u turn your air over twice per minute…
don't skimp on your freedom! i understand about not always having the coin, but find some where else to go cheap. i've used can filters and am afraid to try another brand…the can always works….i get at least 1 1/2 years outta em and i run stinky ass strains.
there was a study done at the university of virginia (i think) around 1974 that proved cannabis can kill cancer….never hear much about it though, do u! wonder why………...
i read an article recently about a report stating pot causing so many accidents they forgot to mention that the people were asked if they ever used cannabis not if they were high when the accident happened…lol…..it was something to that extent anyway...
u can get a 12" x 8" x 8" wye from ebay. run the 8" lines to hoods n reduce to 6"…..just make sure u have enough air flow to cool the 12" fan. a 12" duct has the volume of at least 3-4 6" ducts...
no need for moms, just take cuts before putting in flower. no clone box needed. probably 1 less step then cracking seeds. you're making it out to be a big production of sorts….put cuts in glass of water to root n plant once rooted.
the 1 really good thing i've read in bill 3 is child welfare cannot charge u with anything as long as you're licensed. i'm glad to see that too 420, only thing it's missing is bro in laws, friends, acquaintances....the licenses are fairly steep so only deep pockets will be supplying. i do agree...