i wanted to make a soil cap for the roots so i bound the roots some so they would grab the soil,now the roots grow in the air above 80-82 degrees water, the air temp in the cup with the roots stays around 70-72 degrees and are doing great.
iam well under my 15 amp breaker even if a/c...
i dont let my plants get above 80 cause the leaves get dried out looking after just a hour or two.at this temp. it happens when temps outside get above 95 degrees which is about once or twice a week.
i have a liquid ph test kit so i cant give any numbers on that.
iam feeding 1/4 strength...
The ideal amount is somewhere around 7000-10,000 lumens/sqft, (-and as long as the plants do not burn, as much light can be used as you want)
finally found something, thanks people for advice
the two measurements
first-total view
second - is bulb to top of glass
third- bottom of glass to tops
13"middle plants and 15" outer plants total distance give or take
pics of distance to much light stress
first pic are showing the distance from bottom of glass to grow tips
second pic is distance from bulb to top of glass
last pic total set-up
wires on the stick are my temp sensors for the a/c's