light 600w h.p.s. w/adjustable power.
all from same ALL sprouted same time
split how i wanted with even 3 tips,
has 4 grow tips and a branch died,
traditional grown on 20/4 hours
light 600w h.p.s. w/adjustable power.
all from same sprouted crop
split how i wanted with even 3 tips,
has 4 grow tips and a branch died...
befor and after... with just water feedings...wasn't plant nutrient deficiency
been 4 full days since first pic was taken.... thanks KlosetKing its cool i shocked you..the glass is really keeping my temps down so i can get the plants as close to the bulb as i want.but everytime i mist i have to...
my space is 17"x17" inches about 2 sq ft sunlight is at the best 10,000 lumen's sq ft, i had them at 8-10 inches away from the bulb staying in th 70 degree range plus keeping 65+ plus humidity
my set-up is 600w 90,000+ lumen's.... google a light chart and plant bleaching iam still a first time...
back from work and i can seen the diff already green is coming back nicely. does anyone know of a lumen's per plant age chart anywhere i have google those words and came up with nothin
no peat moss. i always squeeze the cups when wet to break to soil up. i pulled them back to 14-18in. and i water when the first 1/2 in or so is dry my drainage is really good and if i go any longer without watering their leaves start to droop and curl.
i dont have a small enough measure device...
yea my first time has sucked so far i have payed a full months electric bill and they were started by a friend all in 1 pot and give to me at about 3 days out of the dirt so shock has been bad,light shock has been bad.heat shock has been bad.i fert to soon (i read wait till the 3rd set of...
the 2 sets of leaves are from two crops about 1/2 a month apart. the bigger leaves are from a plant that i cooked from the first crop. i have slots cut into the bottom of each cup so i can check to see it they are getting root-bound.started to feed 1/4 tablespoon per gallon thats 1/4 full...
iam feeding with bottled water the ph in it is great.the glass is how iam getting my plants 8 inches from blub and staying 70-77 degrees.. before the glass when the a/c cycled the temps dropped 55 degrees then jump to the 90's before it cycles on again . i just broke the top glass(on wooden...
reason i think to much light is cause the little plant had fresh green leaves and after a week the top is just white and old leaves stay green where there is shade from top leaves thay are about 9 inches away from bulb in center
the trimmed few are survivors from a 118 deg. blast and dead leaves were blocking light to new growth.others were suppose to be second crop.all watering done with bottled spring water(my well water ph is bad and lots of iron urrr...). Foliar(misting) feedings and watering 1.5 to 2 oz. by spray...
area is 17in wide by 15in deep. the top plate of glass i just broke. each glass plate dropped temps with a fan on about 6 to 8 degrees each. i got 3 temp sensors. each glass plate dropped temps with a fan on about 6 to 8 degrees each.Is glass bad in someway. i think b12 or something