Start feeding them about the 2nd/ 3rd watering, 100% coir has no nutes so they will be hungry. Also start them in smaller pots next time, plants like the coco to dry every 3/4 days then water/feed, they dont like sitting in the same wet giant pot that never seems to dry. Small seedlings can...
Its not the generic bulb its the bulb . You cant raise plants under incandescent light, it doesnt work and this is the issue.
Can you get them out in the sun until the light comes?
Put the plants in zip up bag , let the moisture wick out of the stem (about 2-3 days) then hang them back up again to finish drying. When the rh is below 50% you dont need a heater or fans, they will dry in about 6- 7 days.
They are sick,stunted and should have no yellowing. The reason is the soil they are in. Next time try some coco, this way you control the feeding, there is too much in that soil mix for babies.
Fuck you really made a mess of it didnt you? How smashed were you?
The healing looks ok but you will need to watch for infection which can take a while to set in and kill the branch, also try using plastic clothes pegs to clamp the branches back together, when you use tape it can cause rot and...
You will find the problem is they have no roots or very ordinary small brown roots.
Be a good idea to make sure they have a good healthy roots before trying to veg them in the grow room.
Weak small sad stressed and miserable. All the money you have put into this you need to fix what is wrong to stop it happening over and over again. stop the sprinklers, reduce watering all together, stop feeding,reduce wattage and raise the light. If you can put them out in the sun for 2 weeks...
Major issue and and it wont be long before it dies unless you get on top of it, not physically .
All new growth is sick and yellow , just throwing extra food and water at it wont help , make it worse.
Re pot into coco and feed with hydro nutes is all i can suggest.