Alpha my man!!! Thanks for the ideas..was gonna hit up the tractor supply but wanted to look at craigslist quick first ad rubbermaid tuff tote 70 gal $20! 4x4 tray and rez for $20 that was a steal!:hump::hump:
Now to cover it.. that's new in my hood lets see some bud porn alpha!
Are your plants ever not green? Lol just sayin. Im almost there! I always see your veg plants in tray do you keep your moms alpha? after watching you for a min i found a free 4x4 tray! Buuut no rez not wanting to hit the hydro shop what do you reccomend to use?
Why do people say there is too much Nitrogen left and tastes like crap or ash black? Do people really get an analysis as to what is left in the bud that may taste like crap or sparkle...folks dont know. Could be too much phosphorus as that will spark when burning
Here is the link.
I see advanced nutes has something to do with this but i like the research behind it. Either way nitrogen is needed throughout the plants life
I was debating with a buddy on mj macro nutes NPK. Watched the great phosphorus debate and Foliage Pro is perfect nute by its self in the right ratio which would be a 3-1-3 or 3-1-2. I do fp and protect with promix plants are perfect!!! No more snake oils on my shelf
I started doing ebb&grow and tables after reading about you, homebrewer, and al bfuct. I copied you on the flood table no cover though but all the api products. all the babies are in 4in net pots filled with hydroton some have white roots some dont... Not sure what the rez temps are..its 75-80...
That's good news for you. Are you still using the pond zyme? I started getting a lil brownish roots too. Im going to a dead rez since i use dyna gro mineral nutes instead of organic. I know you were against h2o2 because of cost how about chlorine did it work for you?
What kind of yeild do you think you will get off that beast? Also if you top do you feel you lose yeild over leaving the plant alone? If indoor growing how long do you veg on average?
I thought about covering my flood tray as well after watching you but if it's not broke don't fix it. I did that before and cause more issues then needed
Fuck ya it does! If you were here i would buy you a brew. Thought i was on 500 scale till i cali my ph meter i was feeding at .5ec and was wondering why i was getting slow growth.
Wooow good lookin buds! Alpha do you believe in trimming the plant before hanging? I have a salad bowl trimmer and want to use it!!! And with your nute schedule are you on 500ppm or 700ppm scale? Im just using ec from now too confusing :wall:
Which ebb system is that? Hoses on the bottom is the flow and grow right. Fo shoo goona steal that scrog idea but i have a few mites may try to eradicate those guys first. Are you still using the pest strips?
HB i was thinking that but with changing variables of filter getting dirty the ph and ec of water coming out will have an effect over time. May or may not have the same outcome. Long as they stay green! :hump:
To balance your ph do you meter and add protekt after your nutes added? I have but they say protekt should be first. I haven't had silica fall out yet but wondering if it effects anything