Wooow couldnt imagine staying that low of an ec! You are in rockwool i assume. Do you get a lot of pH swings? Are you keeping the rez sterile or bennies?
HB lookin good as usual! Im running the same setup maybe you can help. I Make my promix with premium peat and perilite do you ph your nutes? Also in your flood what ec do you start with? Or do you have a base nute schedule to go by? I know you preach what works for you but wondering what you...
Perfect! I was wondering when you put your one gallon mesh pot in the ebb&grow i would think you add more hydroton for fit... I use regular 1 gallon garden pots think that will work fine? Only little rocks fall out...i hope it wont clog the ebb&grow tubing :???:
Thanks for the gems again.. I'm using your pool shock awesome results leaving the cloner on 24/7 more and faster root growth! Do you veg in 1 gallon pots then transfer to your ebb and gro? Also how hi do you flood in your table?
Question about ur cloner..do you add the chlorine before your cuts? I've been doing fine with cleaning the cleaner with chlorine letting it dry real good and then adding RO water with timer 15 min intervals. Thought maybe id have a better rootmass and faster cuts with it
Perfect you just helped me to the next level! I feel like mario. What are your flood cycles now? Im runnin my veg 24hr every 4.
What nute schedule you running? I have the gh powder and dynagro. Keep it up bro!
Great job! heart what you are doing. I have the same setup. I have the ebb&grow and ebb&flow system. Which do you like better? Seems like flow is lower maintenance. Im only running 2k was gonna run one system under each 1k. Also the bennies are they worth it over sterile rez?
Heart what you are doin bro! Glad i found this..lots of reading past couple days! Im have the ebb and gro plus ebb and flow. Which do you like better? Im only runnin 2k. Thought i would do ebb&gro under one and 4x4 flow tray under the other or just both ebb&flow. Also ur spending more on...
Good lookin plants. Sorry if i missed it how long did you veg? Got some going in flower too. I made my promix tho hope to have the same results. Lookin yumm
I agree..just keep your plants green learn how to read them if you see deficiencies that is when you need to adjust. a lot of people push their plans until they see tip burn but I would rather not