I would love to do a 1000k hps test vs the 9 cob 450w led but unfortunately i cant test the 450 or the 300 due to unavailability. I may get the 200w but really need atleast a 300w for legit testing.
Anyone out there familiar or have experienced usage with mcob leds ?? Any custom DYI and or a company producing lights with these particular leds..?? been reading into them just recently some ppl refer to them as CO leds..
Don any recommendations on reliable source for the soluble seaweed? Currently using Neptune's harvest seaweed fertilizer if that will do ? and for SRP I'm using calphos. Drop some knowledge on me if you don't mind, I'm open.
Dopington......can you patent this? trademark something, idk but ye i won't say this again but the dons might have to start their own thing , put out a manuscript or something,
Hell Yeah actually it does lol. Is gravy a creation of your own? i was thinking it is because i been searching for the lineage but no files.... AOS i have only had one time and it was TITS, been looking for her! i remember the last time i was with her.... sighs.
Sure wish i could some get a...
Heisenberg pot HAHAHA.... classic name, but no joke this might be one of my top 5 bud porn pics, she's hella sexy under that green lighting lol no lie. I have to ask fuck ya missed ? or just topped ?
Very useful information you just dropped on me, i had no idea they helped with the control of pest (mites) ,and i also tried your technique the other night... lets just say i see what you mean when you say they're praying when you peek.Thanks for dropping some knowledge on me "Don T ". I shall...
i was unsure if people were still using co2 in a organic style grow, as i have been taught that although organic chemistry is the study of carbon co2 is still not considered organic. A source of mine is a chemistry major and says it could still be considered a organic grow even if inducing co2...
i had a few seedlings suffer from some heat stress due to a/c being turned off for few hours, i have removed them from there original light source (200watt) to a 40watt light i also transplanted them from tray to containers and foliar sprayed and light soil drench with a barley seed tea with a...
i had a few seedlings suffer from some heat stress due to a/c being turned off for few hours, i have removed them from there original light source (200watt) to a 40watt light i also transplanted them from tray to containers and foliar sprayed and light soil drench with a barley seed tea with a...